I love you (Thiam)

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Liam stumbled backwards, falling onto the bed with Theo straddling him. They never broke away from the heated kiss, while the chimera's hands moved under Liam's shirt. He ran his fingers over his torso and slowly pushed the t-shirt up, before finally removing it.

Liam impatiently pulled him back down to reattach their lips, moaning as their hips grinded together. Theo grinned into the kiss and pushed his hips, grinding down harder, and enjoying the noises coming from the beta.

"Fuck Theo" Liam gasped, arching his back in pleasure.

This is probably the fourth time this week, Liam had ended up in this position. Theo showed up unannounced through his window, and they end up tangled in the sheets together; it was almost routine. Not that Liam was complaining, Theo made him feel things he never knew he could.

The first time it had happened, had been so sudden, in the way that they had practically jumped at each other. All of these long nights were filled with lust, need and pleasure, and Liam found it utterly intoxicating.

Now, Theo's scent was all around him, mixed with the anticipation, desire and arousal from both of them, steadily driving Liam over the edge. The pure lust in his dark, hazel eyes made the beta's stomach flip, and it felt like falling into the ocean in the middle of a raging storm. He couldn't fight the current of he tried, and if he was being honest, he didn't really want to. The chimera's hands wondered further down, passing the waste band of his jeans.

He was unable to stifle the loud groan that escaped him as Theo palmed him through the fabric and connected his lips with Liam's neck at the same time.

"Shit" He cursed, raking his nails down the skin of Theo's back, while his body shook with overwhelming need.

"You like that little wolf?" Theo growled seductively, against his throat.

"Mmmm" Liam mumbled incoherently, unable to form words at this point.

The beta whined as his efforts to pull Theo's shirt off proved frustratingly slow and unsuccessful. Theo chuckled in amusement and sat up to do it for him. As soon as his muscled torso was exposed, Liam's hands were immediately running over him, mapping every inch of familiar, toned skin; as if he hadn't done it so many times before.

"Eager aren't you Dunbar?" Theo grinned teasingly.

"Fuck...just get on with it" Liam growled, bucking his hips and desperately seeking friction, too far gone to feel any ounce of embarrassment for his needy actions.

"Whatever you say little wolf" Theo leant down and whispered next to the Liam's ear, before brushing his teeth against the skin of his earlobe, drawing a gasp from the beta.

Before long, the rest of their clothing was discarded somewhere on the floor, and loud moans of pleasure were filling the room.

Thank fuck his parents weren't home, was Liam's last coherent thought, before he was thrown into yet another very eventful night.

~time skip~ (I don't really write full on smut, so u guys can just let ur dirty minds imagine the rest😈😂;))

The next morning, Liam was woken up by the rays of sun assaulting his eyes, patting the space next to him subconsciously, and feeling no surprise when what he felt was emptiness.

Groggily, he sat up and wrapped the warm sheet around him, to keep the cold air away from his naked skin. Looking around the room, he saw that Theo's clothes were gone from the floor, and all that remained was his scent lingering in the air.

An unexplainable feeling of something he couldn't name washed over him, but he knew, whatever it was, it didn't feel good. Theo was gone. Again. He was used to this by now of course. The chimera never stayed. Never really hung around for long. Sometimes he would still be awake to see Theo throw on his clothes and climb smoothly out of his window, disappearing into the darkness. Other times, very rarely, they would both fall asleep following the weary exhaustion, and Theo would stay the night, only to be gone without a trace before the crack of dawn; Not waiting for Liam to wake up.

He shouldn't care. He knew the unspoken rules of this...arrangement. But sometimes he couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest every time he woke up to the emptiness in his bed, or fell asleep wrapped up in only the traces of a scent left behind, that is so distinctly Theo. He knew he would see the chimera later in school, but he never stopped to say 'hi', or have a chat, so Liam gave up trying to acknowledge him in the hallways.

Sometimes, Liam caught himself wishing it was something different. Something more. He felt the small spark of jealousy whenever he saw Mason and Corey wrap each other in embraces, exchange sweet kisses or gaze at each other like there was nowhere else in the world they would rather be. The strange feelings were pushed away as soon as they entered his thoughts however, and of course, he wouldn't dare mention any of this to Theo. He was sure that feeling, whatever it was, wasn't mutual. After all, they had both agreed; no strings attached. And he was fine with that.

Liam sighed as he snapped out his thoughts. He was tempted to just go right back to sleep wrapped in Theo's comforting scent, dreaming up fantasies that could never be real. But he decided against it, and reluctantly dragged himself out of bed. He cleaned up, got dressed for school, threw his sheets in the wash and ate a piece of toast for breakfast.

Mason arrived to give him a ride to school.

"Hey dude" He greeted with a cheerful grin.

"Hi" Liam said, as he got in the car.

"Well you don't sound very energetic. Was it Theo?" Mason asked.

Liam turned to him, a little surprised, before remembering that his best friend had found out about them a few days ago. His silence told Mason everything.

"Liam are you sure this is a good idea? I know how you feel about him and I just don't want you to get hurt because of that asshole" his best friend said, in a concerned tone of voice.

"I'm fine Mase. It's nothing serious anyway. That's not how it works", he repeated his thoughts out loud.

Thankfully, Mason decided not to push him, and Liam spent the rest of the ride wrapped in his little pathetic thoughts about the chimera that would never happen, trying (and succeeding for the time being) to convince himself that he didn't want that anyway.

Theo's pov

Theo had woken up, with his arms wrapped around a sleeping beta. He looked down at the other boy through half lidded eyes. Liam's face was beautiful. He looked so much more soft and vulnerable and peaceful when he was sleeping and Theo couldn't tear his eyes away. He must have stayed like that for an eternity, while something he couldn't understand tugged at his heart and clenched in his gut.

Then Liam had started to stir, and he had carefully (and a little reluctantly) manoeuvred himself out of the bed. He threw on his clothes and silently padded over to the window, before looking back over his shoulder.

Anyone else watching may have seen the subtle longing and sadness in the chimera's expression as he gazed at Liam's unconscious form. An expression which was invisible to his own eyes. Then he was gone.


A/n- Hi guys! Here's another one:) ik there's quite a few Thiam ones so far. Cuz it's my favourite tw ship even tho it didn't happen😅

I'll probably make more parts to this! Vote and comment!!!! Thx byeee❤❤

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