Butterfly, Worried

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“Are you sure, master?”

He smiled brightly, “But of course! It makes sense, does it not?”

I nodded meekly and took the dress and mask. I was about to close his door when Claude walked up.

“A butterfly. How fitting.”

I frowned at him, “The master wants you, and Hannah.”

He nodded, “They you better go get her.”

I nodded and went down the stairs until I nearly ran into the lilac haired maid.

“Hannah. I’m worried.”

“What is it?” she asked kindly.

“It’s about the master.”

She stiffened then, “Yes?”

I sighed, “I don’t trust Claude. I think he’s planning something. Everyone but the master knows that you are by far much more loyal to him.”

She nodded.

“Please, protect him.”

“Of course, little one.”

I sighed, “He wishes to see you as well. He and Claude are in his chambers.”

She smiled softly and nodded before rushing to our master.

I went down stairs to my room to change.

Tonight was the costume ball and I would have another chance to prove myself to my master.

I undid my dress and took it off carefully. I slipped on the blue dress I had been given and laced up the back. I put the mask on carefully before slipping on satin wings that spread above my head before they flowed down the back of the dress.

I walked out of my room and returned to my master. He wore Hannah’s clothing and a long blonde wig.

I had to cover my mouth to keep from giggling but I couldn’t help it.

“What are you laughing at?”

I looked down at the ground. “I’m sorry sir. You just … look rather pretty as a girl.”

He rolled his eyes, “Your flattery will get you nowhere.”

I bow my head, “Of course.”

“Those wings don’t suit you at all, either.”

Butterfly (An Alois Trancy story)Where stories live. Discover now