Butterfly, Loyal

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I’d seen them before. The bruises. The scars. Usually it wouldn’t be me. It was usually Claude’s job. Not mine.

He was the one who would wake the master under normal circumstances but he was… unavailable and asked, more like ordered, me to do it.

I opened the door, pushing the tea cart in front of me.


He stirred slightly, a sign he was already awake.

I poured the tea for him carefully, “This morning’s tea is a spice chi.”

He sat up and starched before turning to me with a frown.

“Where’s Claude?” he asked impatiently.

I handed him his tea but he simply set it down on the bedside table.

I sighed, “He is preoccupied at the moment. He instructed me to wake you and help you get ready for the day.”

He smirked, “So does that mean you must dress me?”

I bow my head, trying to hide the small blush that I was sure, stained my cheeks. “I suppose.”

He sighed and went to the bathroom, returning with his shorts on and his day shirt open.

He hopped on the bed and I carefully helped button his shirt. After that I went to the dresser and retrieved his tie, vest, stockings, and overcoat.

I returned to him and carefully tied a bow around his neck before getting the vest and helping him slip it on.

I buttoned that as well and then took one of the stockings. He held out a leg and I carefully put it on him, careful not to touch his skin. I did the same with the other.

I stood and bow my head to him. I was about to leave but I stopped and turned to him.


He looked up at me with a questioning look and I looked down again.

“You said the other day that if a failed with my mission, you would kill me.”

He nodded, “I did.”

I bit my lip before continuing, “I was just wondering why you didn’t, sir.”

He smirked, “Well, you still came back after you failed. That shows loyalty, little Butterfly.”

I nodded and quickly left the room.

Not loyalty, master. Fear. Fear and love, both for you.

Butterfly (An Alois Trancy story)Where stories live. Discover now