Butterfly, Gone

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My eyes shot open.

My master was gone. 

I sat up sharply and winced at the pain in my arm.

Hoheo taralna, rondero tarel.

I heard it in the back of my mind.

He was calling me. He needed me.

I stood with another wince and rushed to the front door. I looked around before making my decision.

I place my hands over my heart before melting away the glorious gift, the human life, I had been given.

I spread my winds and soared swiftly to my master.

I landed and my breath caught as I fell to my knees.

“I’m too late.”

Hannah, sat next to the lifeless body of my master.

She cane over to me a and I put my hands together, “Hannah, please. Get back our master’s soul.”

She nodded, “I will.”

“And… I have one last request.”


I looked over at Alois, “Take my soul. I promised to stay with him forever. It was his wish.”

She smiled softly, “Of course.”

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