3- The mission.

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With a towel around my body I leave my bathroom and walk towards my room.
I closed my door for when my mother would storm in or Draco when he would be here.

I turn around as I let a scream leave my mouth. He was sitting on my bed reading my book with Balou on his lap.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I whisper screamed at him. He looked away from my book as his eyes locked with mine. A grin appears on his face as his eyes flew at my body reminding me I'm in a towel.

"God, I hate you" I whispers.

"No you don't" he chuckled still looking at me like a dog who finds a bone.

"Are you eyefucking me pretty face?" I chuckled at him.

He clears his throat and put my book away, by that action Balou jumps off his lap and goes to my desk and lay on there.

"Again, what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I lost something important and it would probably lay here" he says while searching around in my room.

"What are you looking for?" I question, exactly knowing it was that ring on my finger.

"An iron ring" he answers eyes looking in mine again.

"You mean this one?" I said letting him see my fingers as his eyes finds his ring.

"Why are you wearing my ring?" He says as he stands up from my bed and walks towards me.

"I fond him in the gardin, maybe your ring needed some air to" I smiled at the ring without knowing. "Do you want him back?"

"Yeah, I do" he says grabbing my hand to take him with my other hand I slapped him on his cheeck as he stumbled back.

"Come and take it" I grin.

"Seriously love, you are wearing a towel if you kick me I would see your-" I stopped him.

"Don't you dare finish your sentence"

"I mean I'm up for it" he chuckled.

"Oh god, please when he dies take him to hell" I mumbled

"Not without you love" he says before kicking me in my stomach at the same place. I groaned again as I fall on the floor straight away.

"You bitch" I whisper at him my eyes closed at the pain.

I feel his breath in my face as he leans in to whisper "give me my ring and it's all over love" in my ear.

My hands goes for his but to stearnly roll us over. "Well your in a good mood today" he grins again. God he never stops grinning.

"I'm keeping the ring" I say before punching him against his noise.
He groans as he opens his eyes and moved his eyebrow up.

I frowned my eyebrows as I looked down to see that my towel has opend itself as it flashes my boobs. I quickly put the towel back on as I hear his laugh trough my room.

"Asshole" I whisper as he laughed even more and put his hands up in defense.

"I didn't do anything wrong" He chuckled.
"You have nice-"

"Don't you dare" I say sternley but laughed afterwards.

"Aurora, Draco's here come down" my mother yelled.

"Yeah be there in 5 mom" I yelled back.

I stand up as I say "you need to go pretty face"

"Not until I get my ring" he answers.

"Then you're going to stay here forever because I'm not giving you your ring back"

"We'll see love" he answers as he lays down on my bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm waiting until I get my ring back" he stated.

I chuckled as I hear my mom yell again "Lestrange if you're not down here in the next 2 seconds I will avadra kadavra your ass"

I rolled my eyes "close your eyes I need to change"

He grinned as he closes his eyes, weird he didn't arguing about it.
I put quickly my dress on before my mom means what she said. I let my hair just fall on my shoulders as I turned around to see Mattheo just looking at me with a grin.

"Ofcourse what was I thinking" I mumbled to myself. "God I hate you"

"Hate you more" he says smirking.

"My ring looks good on your finger" he says.

"I know" I say while leaving my room and going downstairs.

What a day and the evening only needs to begin.

"Draco!" I yelled while running upto him and jumped as he picks me up.

"Aurora!" He yelled back.
We both laughed as he puts me down and gives me a forhead kiss.

"C'mon dinners ready" mom says as she set the chicken on the table.

When we were eating my mom clears her throat breaking the comfortable silence. "Aurora I need to tell you something"

I looked up from my plate and stared her as I nodded that she can just say it what she wanted to say.

"About the mission you asked me earlier, Tom and I decided that the urge between Mattheo and you needs to stop" she says while looking at me.
As response I grown my eyebrows as sign of confusion.
As she goes on "we wanted to test the two of you by making it a mission"

"What do you mean by 'it' mom?" I asked while eating some chips.

"You need to kill eachother to proof who will take the lead of the deatheathers when Tom and I are old"

I choked on my chips as I went for my glass of water. I need to actually kill him, kill Mattheo fucking Riddle.

"First of all, who the fuck said that I want to take the lead off the deatheathers, that's fucking crazy mom! I'm just a kid!"

"Aurora dear, you turn 18 next year you're not a kid anymore. It's a great opportunity for a Lestrange to finally lead the deatheathers. That's what you want right to rule something, you read about it 24/7" mom says looking for any happiness in my eyes about her 'mission'.

"Mom that's a book, it's not real this is!" I yelled as I storm out the livingroom and go upstairs to my room.

"Aurora come back here!" Mom yelled but I didn't gave her any attention.

"Aurora come down and we talk about this with the two off us!" Draco yelled also, I almost forgot he was there tho.

When I tought my evening couldn't be worse. "What's wrong love?"

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