11- The soft Mattheo.

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"It's Aurora" Enzo says. I immediately sit up from my bed.

"What's going on?" I asked worried.

"Damn it! I can't get in the hufflepuffroom I don't know the password and she's asleep on my shoulder" he says.

I get a flashback of the night of the party. I couldn't get in the hufflepuff commonroom either because she was asleep. A peacefull expression as she moved closer to me.

"Mattheo hello?" Enzo says. I cleared my throat. "I'm coming to you so she can sleep peacefully, I'll explain it later" he says as he hangs up.

I sit back on my bed and starts tapping my foot anxiously to the ground. I was worried for her.

What is going on?

I heard a knock on my door. In full speed I flew to my dorm door to open it. Enzo walked in and layed Aurora on my bed.

"Now you're going to tell me what happend" I whisper yelled.

"I was walking to the hufflepuffclass when ours ended and-" Enzo started but I interrupted.

"What did you do there?" I asked him confused As all the color leaves his face.
I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I was just walking around a bit" he lied. I knew he lied, we've known eachother since kindergarten why is he lying?

"Enzo?" I say now looking at him that I know he's lying. It's serious because I think he's like scared to tell me or- ow no.

"Don't say it, don't you dare say it!" I yelled not caring that Aurora is sleeping behind me.

"What?" He whispers as he cried.

"I'm so fucking angry at you right now! I said that you can't fuck her!" I yelled at him.

He just fucked Aurora, my Aurora.

"Mate! I didn't fuck her! I'm gay!" He shouted the last part.

"I'm gay" he whispers now more to himself.

I widnend my eyes. "You- you're gay?"
He just looked at me not being able to say anything.

"B-but you always hit on every girl you see, this doesn't make much sense" I say still shocked.

"I've never liked a girl romantically, it was me covering up who I really am, how I really feel" He says looking at the floor.

"Hey" I whisper in a soft comforting voice. "Don't worry about it, we're friends we'll always be friends no matter who you like and what you feel, okay?" As he slowly nods.

I hugged him as he whispers "I can't have anyone else knowing it"

"My mounth is shut" I said while letting the hug go.

"So is there anyone in the picture?" I smirked.

"Uhh yes.." he mumbled.

"The cedric diggory?" I whisper yelled.
He nodded proudly as I smiled at him.

"If he does one thing wrong I swear to god" I say as Enzo just laughed.

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