Chaos 🦋

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Kamlesh's viewpoint :

Oh no, not again!

"I found you!" I heard the most annoying voice ever as her eyes met mine.

Why did I even turn around my head and accidentally see her? Oh right, I was looking for Abhay in the crowd.

"Wait!" She added again, running behind me.

I can't deal with her! I need to run. Rapidly I ran in any direction where my footsteps took me, I just need to escape right now.

I took big steps ahead and quickly jumped inside the auditorium through the window, heading straight away to the most deserted seat in the extreme left corner.

Thanks to my athletic body, I ran away from a huge trouble.

"Haash." I sighed in relief.

"Students, please settle down. Don't make noise." I heard an announcement.

"Kamlesh... where is he...?" The trouble herself came in murmuring.

I quickly pulled up my t-shirt and covered my face with it, in order to hide myself.

"Damn.. your abs!" She exclaimed.

What the hell??

At once I pulled down my t-shirt and obviously, its a face reveal.

"Found you." She grinned out loud.

"Ashwati, please." I requested her with almost teary eyes.

"I just want to sit with you." She pouted.

"And call me Ash, I prefer that." She added smiling.

"I don't want to sit with you." I denied.

"I won't trouble you. See, I brought these for you." She excitedly showed me a soft drink can and a chocolate.

"I don't like these." I rejected it as she sat beside me.

"I saw you having these during lunch yesterday." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I certainly don't like them anymore." I huffed it off.

Ugh, what a trouble she is.

This girl has always been after me since the time I took footsteps inside this college. She is literally crazy for me.

I understand that she has a crush on me but it's way beyond than that. Every now and then, she is after my life. A single moment doesn't pass by where she doesn't chase me.

It's such a task to handle her.

I thought that my college life is gonna be the golden years of my life and I'm gonna make the most of it, but look where I am.

For the past two months here, I'm handling a maniac. She's been troubling me to date her since time immemorial.

"What do you like? I'll bring it for you tomorrow." Ashwati grinned again.


"Listen, I don't want anything from you. I just want you to not chase me anymore. I can't date you." I told her calmly.

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