Presentation 🦋

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Samikhya's viewpoint :

"You know what's interesting.. the brand we're working on is sponsoring the upcoming inter college cricket match." Ishan informed me as we made our way to the canteen along with the others.

"Woah that's huge! Why didn't you tell me about it before?" I reacted.

"I thought you're not so interested in sports." He giggled.

"Why would you offer me the front row tickets then?" I slightly chuckled.

"Your friends.. I felt like you wouldn't deny the deal if it makes them happy." Ishan smiled, making me reciprocate.

"They matter to me, a lot." I grinned as I talked about my girls.

They're my biggest support system and we all love each other so much. No matter what, we're always there for each other.

"Though my friends are crackheads, they're my world too." Ishan giggled slightly.

Seems like he's a really good person. Although I don't know him much, I can at least figure out the fact that he's a genuine as well as caring person.

"Ishan, I was a bit rude to you back then, wasn't I? I apologise." I mumbled after a few seconds.

"When?" He looked confused.

"When you approached me, asked my name and stuff.." I elaborated.

"Oh that's nothing. I found it fun." He giggled it off.

"That's a relief." I smiled.

Anushree's viewpoint :

"Anushree.." My heart fluttered as I heard my name from the guy who owns my heart.

"I'm sorry about earlier." He added softly.

I guess he's apologising for what Abhishek joked about when we met. It was a bit embarrassing but nearly gave me a heart attack too, a cute one though.

Ugh, my heart is beating so loud that it can pop out of my chest any minute. He's talking to me.. we're having a conversation, which feels so surreal.

"It's okay Shubman and I'm sorry too." I apologised as well.

"Sorry? What for?" He seems confused.

"You wanted me to help you out but I couldn't.. I feel bad about it." I admitted.

"Don't be sorry, please. It's not your fault at all." He comforted me to a great extent.

"Thank you." I smiled subtly.

"And if I need any help, I can come to you, right?" He smiled, causing his dimples to take my breath away.

"Of course." I couldn't help blushing a bit.

He's so confident, unlike me. My voice is trembling, whereas he's so fluent and calm. It's so easy for him to talk to me and that's probably because he doesn't feel the same for me as I do for him. If only I could let him know how badly I like him, but I know my feelings won't be reciprocated ever. I'm just a random girl to him.

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