Sneak In 🦋

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Anushree's viewpoint :

It's been such a long day today and so many events happened at once. If I'm being honest, seeing Shubman around was hurtful for me even though Sameer was being so loving to me. I think it's gonna take me a while to move on from Shubman, it isn't easy at all.

Anyway, I should get some sleep now. Tomorrow's going to be an adventurous day as well.

I changed my clothes and put on a large hoodie that covers up my thighs halfway, before diving into my night time skincare routine. While applying my moisturiser, I put on a soft romantic playlist as it feels very therapeutic.

As I was applying my lip balm, I heard a knock at the door. Is Samikhya back? I called her a few minutes ago and she texted me saying that she's busy. Maybe she returned.

The sight on unlocking my door shocked me like anything. It's Sameer, along with some flowers and a tote bag in this hands.

What is he doing here??

"Sameer!" I shrieked at once.

What if someone sees him here at this hour? It's going to be such a huge mess. Also, people are definitely going to doubt my character.

"What happened darling?" He winked at me while swiftly stepping inside and then locked the door.

I'm panicking so bad on the inside. What should I do now? Why isn't Samikhya here? If she was, I would've been in a much better state. Being all alone with Sameer in a hotel room, that too at this hour is making me very nervous. I'm not wearing appropriate clothes either. I should definitely cover myself up.

"You look so nervous, what's wrong?" Sameer came closer to me and tried relaxing my shoulders.

I feel all the more uncomfortable now. He's way too close to me and I haven't been in such a close space with a boy ever.

"Uh... nothing.. I should umm.. I've to change my clothes." I stuttered badly.

"Why do you have to change it? Just let me take it off you." He muttered the words in a raspy voice while lifting my chin.

What the hell.. I'm so scared now.

I'm weak physically and he's very muscular so I don't think I'll be able to fight him if he pressurises me or tries forcing me for sexual favours. Should I call someone for help right now? I think I should.

"You're such a baby, look at you all nervous." Sameer's giggle pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Don't worry, we'll take it slow. Go get changed if you feel uncomfortable." He added softly.

I guess I was overthinking way too much. He's a sweet guy, he'd never do that to me. I was wrong to think of him like that, God forgive me.

"I'm sorry Sameer.. you must felt've bad and I'm really sorry. It's just that..." I sighed.

"Let me guess. You haven't dated anyone before and all this is new to you, isn't it?" He caressed my cheeks while saying so.

"Yes.." I admitted while lowering my lashes.

"I'm glad, cause you're made for me. I wanna be your first." He smiled while running his thumb on my lips.

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