The Afternoon We Can Never Forget

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As Diwali was on its way, we planned to meet outside and enjoy our first hangout together. On the day of Diwali, Samirya went to her friend’s house to enjoy and burn fire crackers together and then she planned to come with me. I was having a good time with my friends but I left early because I wanted to spend time with Samirya. My friends requested that even they want to join us but I refused because it was our first hangout together.
When she reached her friend’s house she gave me a call and I told her that she should be ready till 5:30pm but she refused because her friend’s father insisted her to stay till night and he will drop her back home after that but I told her to come with me because she can go and spend time in her friend’s house anytime but she can’t go for a hangout with me anytime.
At 5:30pm sharp I came to her friend’s house and took her to the best spot The Jogger’s Park. It was very beautiful night because the sky was light up with rockets and we were sitting on a side hand in hand and looking at the sky. Then we went to a temple because she is a very religious person and she wants to thank god for our first hangout. As she thanked God, we took 7 circular rounds around the fire and promised each other that we would never break this bond.
In Indian culture 7 Pheras or the Saptapadi is the true essence of a Vedic wedding. Only when the bride and groom take the 7 vows keeping the holy pyre as the witness, they are called married. The bride and groom holds their hands and take seven rounds around the Agni (fire) and promise to be with each other for eternity.
The Vedic Maths states that each circle consists of 360°. The only one number from 1 to 9 which cannot divide 360 is 7. So the bride and the groom go around the fire 7 times Ensuring nothing can divide their relationship. It’s written in Bible, Ephesians 5:25:. “for husbands, this means love your wife, just like Christ loved the Church. He gave up his life for her”. 9. Genesis 2:24:. “therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”.
And then Sameer dropped me home. So my Diwali went great with Sameer. Today was my best day ever.

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