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"Is papa dead?"

"No." Tsunade sighed. "What the hell is a kid doing here?"

"It's Kakashi's brat." Jiraiya appeared behind her, making the youngest in the room grin and run towards him, jumping into his arms.


Jiraiyas eye twitched and he opened his mouth to scold her, but her father beat him to it.

"Sora..." Kakashi groaned, eyes tightly clenched together as he brang his elbows up to stabilize himself. "He's a sannin, be respectful."

"Oh, papa!" She giggled as Jiraiya set her in Kakashis lap. "You're not dead!"

"Wow, what faith you have in your father." Tsunade rolled her eyes but proceeded to insult and scold the man himself, saying how he should be ashamed at losing to two 'delinquents', which Sora didn't like.

"Oi! Shut up, old hag!"


"...What did you say? " Kakashi swallowed thickly and looked away as Tsunade glared at the toddler in his lap. 

When he said he would protect Sora with his life...Tsunade could give him worse than death.

"I said, shut up." Thi time she was more blunt. "My papa can only be insulted by sensei and mr. Toji."


"Oh? And why's that?" They both ignored Kakashi confused look, wondering why his senseis old teammate could insult him.

"Because..." Sora scrunched her face up. She thought it was obvious as to why the two could insult her father, but now she didn't really have a reason to give, and by Tsunades smirk that was exactly her aim.

But of course, Sora had her own comeback as he turned to look at Jiraiya.

"Are you sure she should be hokage? She's so stupid she doesn't even know why Mr.Toji and sensei can insult papa."

"Why you little brat!"

"Tsunade, she's a kid!"

"U-Uh, my kid by the way. Please don't kill her--" Though they were surprised when Tsunade laughed and instead picked Sora up, making sure to shelter the toddlers head.

"I love this kid! I think I'll keep 'er!"

"U-Uhm..." Kakashi rose his hand as if he was a child in class, and nervously cleared his scratchy voice.

"She's my kid..."

"Who's the mother?"


"No, Sora--"

"Papa didn't even know I existed!" A palm slapped Kakashis forehead, and he sighed internally, wondering if this girl was trying to either kill or make him kill himself.

𝒔𝒌𝒚 𝒃𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝒌𝒆𝒌𝒌𝒆𝒊 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒌𝒂𝒊 | 𝒏𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒕𝒐 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now