What Are You Doing Here?

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Amber's POV

(It is my first day as an intern at Grey+Sloan Memorial Hospital. I can't wait. Alex doesn't know that I got matched here yet, so I'm assuming Jo doesn't know either. I am hoping to surprise them today!)


(BEEP... BEEP... BEEP...)

Amber: ugh!

(She gets out of bed, showers, and gets dressed to go to work)

(She gets in her car and drives to the hospital)

*intern locker room*

Chief resident: Smith! Gregory! Walks! Karev! Bau! Your with me! Let's roll!

(They all grab their pagers and follow the chief resident)

Chief resident: okay, my name is doctor Malo, I am your chief resident for the next year. I am not your friend. I am your boss. I have two rules and two rules only. 1.) listen to nurses. You may think you know more than the nurses. You don't! Listen to them! And 2.) Do not screw up! Whatever you mess up is on me. So don't mess up!

(They pay attention)

(Doctor Malo assigns all of them to an attendings service)

Dr. Malo: Gregory, your on Ortho with Dr. Lincoln
Dr. Malo: Walks, your on Plastics with Dr. Avery
Dr. Malo: Bau, your on Cardio with Dr. Pierce
Dr. Malo: Smith, your on general with Dr. Webber
Dr. Malo: Karev! Your on Neuro with Dr. Koracick

(They all stand there)

Dr. Malo: why are you still standing here!? GO!

(They scatter but Amber stays behind)

Dr. Malo: do you need something intern?
Amber: yes. I was actually wondering if it would be possible for me to be on General with Dr. Karev, or Peds with doctor Karev?
Dr. Malo: you take what I assign. Now leave. I'm serious.

(She walks away and eventually finds Doctor Koracick)

Tom: do you need something?
Amber: I'm on your service today.
Tom: what year are you?
Amber: first year. Or intern.
Tom: oh. Okay. Go get me coffee.
Amber: are we um- will I get to see surgery?
Tom: I'll decide once I get my coffee
Amber: okay. I will be right back.
Tom: I'm counting on it. Black, two sugars, splash of cream.
Amber: okay!

(She goes down to the coffee cart and orders)

Amber : coffee. Black. Two sugars. Splash of Cream.
Man: coming right up.

(The women behind her goes to order)

Jo: coffee. Heavy on the cream. Two sugars.
Man: coming right up.

(Amber turns around)

Amber: Jo!
Jo: Amber?! Wha- what are you doing here?!
Amber: I got matched here! I wanted to surprise you and Alex.
Jo: oh...
Amber: can you not tell him I'm here. I want to surprise him later.
Jo: Amber...
Amber: yeah?
Jo: Alex left....

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