Night Night

172 4 0

(A few hours later)




hey, what time are

you off?

I'm updating my

patients family now,

so I should be done

in like 20 minutes

Okay, I'm off, I'll

be in the lounge

Okay, I'll see you soon

See you


(Jo goes to the lounge)

(She is changing into her streets when the door opens)

Jackson: hey!

Jo: oh... Hey.

Jackson: so I here Karev is back in town.

Jo: yep...

Jackson: how long is he here?

Jo: he is staying.

Jackson: oh... so...

Jo: Jackson. He is back. We are back.

(Jackson rolls his eyes)

Jo: And I am sorry Jackson. Thank you, for being there for me when I needed you. You are one of my Bestfriends and I love you. But Alex... he is the love of my life.

Jackson: so you are just going back to him. After he left you? After he left you with a letter?

(Jo looks away and sighs)

Jo: yes... because I'm in love with him. Because he is in love with me-

Jackson: what about me. I'm in love with you.

Jo: Jackson-

Jackson: but your not in love with me...

(She sighs)

(Jo takes his hands)

Jo: Jackson. I love you. You are an amazing person. But Alex is the only man I am in love with. And because he went to Kansas to help his children. To be the father he never had...

(They are sitting at the table across from one another)

(The door opens)

(Jo's hands fly off of Jackson's)

(Alex walks in looking down at his phone)

(He looks up)

Alex: hey!

Jo: hey! How'd your surgery go?

Alex: good. I missed this hospital, and the OR staff. They know everything I'm doing before I do it. In Kansas. God- something was wrong with that pack of fools.

(Jo laughs and stands up)

Alex: hey Avery.

Jackson: hey... glad to see you back.

Alex: glad to be back.

Alex: I'm just gonna change and then we can head out.

Jo: sounds good!

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