It Feels Really Good

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(He drops his bag on the floor and she pulls him into a hug)

Alex: I missed you

Jo: I missed you too

(They stand there hugging for a few seconds)

(They pull away)

Jo: what are you doing here? Your kids? Izzie?

Alex: they are okay. I went there to let them have a happy family, with a mom, and a dad. But it couldn't be a happy family if not everyone was doing what they wanted.

Jo: Alex I- I don't understand?

Alex: I couldn't be happy without you. I can't be happy without you. And I can't have my kids grow up in a household where you don't do what you know you need to do. I need to be here. I went apartment hunting today, because the farm wasn't "home" so I was looking for a place to call home. But then I realized. It can't be home unless you are there.

You are my home Jo.

(She smiles)

Jo: well get in here. Come home.

(He smiles)

(He picks up his bag and they walk inside the loft)


(In the kitchen)

Jo: do you um. Are you hungry?

Alex: no, I'm okay.

Jo: do you want a drink, water? Beer? Wine?

Alex: Jo. I'm fine. I just- I want to look at you. I never want to take my eyes off of you.

(Jo smirks)

(Alex smiles)

Alex: I missed you so much. You have no idea how amazing it is to just see you, your golden eyes. Your perfect hair. Your olive skin. I missed it. All of it.

Jo: I missed you too.

(They are standing next to each other)

Jo: I really- I really missed you.

(Her eyes start watering)

Alex: I'm sorry Jo. I am so so sorry.

Jo: no. Don't be sorry. You needed to take care of your family. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to cry. I'm just.

Alex: I didn't mean to upset you.

Jo: I'm not. I'm not upset. I'm so freaking happy. Your back. Your home.

(They step closer to one another)

Alex: I'm home. With you

(And closer)

Jo: are you?

Alex: am I what?

Jo: are you here with me. Or "with me"

Alex: what do you want?

Jo: I- I want you. I want to be with you.

Alex: with me? Or "with me"?

Jo: "with" you?...

Alex: really?

Jo: yes. What do you want?

Alex: all I want right now is you.

Jo: me too

(He grabs onto her)

Alex: are you sure?

Jo: absolutely.

(He kisses her and they stand there in time for what feels like eternity)

(They pull away and smile)

Jo: god, I missed this

Alex: I just- I missed you so much Jo.

Jo: I missed you too.

Alex: come here!

(He pulls her back into a kiss and picks her up)

(Jo giggles and they lay down on the bed)


(15 minutes later)

(They are laying in bed, naked, and out of breathe)

Jo: I don't- I don't know what I missed more. You. Or what you just did.

(They look at each other and start cracking up)

(Alex caresses her cheek)

(He kisses her)

Alex: I'm sorry for what I did to you. I'm sorry I hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you.

Jo: I know. It's okay Alex. I know why you did it. And I forgive you. I'm just glad that your back. we- that WE are back.

(Alex smiles)

Alex: We're back.

Jo: I love you.

Alex: I love you more.

(They kiss)

Jo: it's 2 something in the morning. Usually I would be drinking in bed, crying, or watching a movie, crying. But this. This is what I dreamt about when I fell asleep. Me, in your arms, laying in bed, after we-

Alex: good, I'm not the only one. I could t stop thinking about you. Everything reminded me of you. But nothing made me near as happy as imagining you in my arms, us laying in bed together.

Jo: I love this.

Alex: me too.

Jo: but we should sleep. I'm tired.

Alex: me too.

(Jo chuckles)

Alex: goodnight beautiful.

Jo: goodnight handsome.

(They fall asleep, Jo in Alex's arms laying on his bare chest)

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