Your An Idiot

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(Amber throws herself against the couch and let's out a giant sigh)


(She picks up her phone and hits "Alex")


I'm gonna kill you dead

What happened now?

What did I do?

I'm leaving the hospital now.

I'll call you when I get home"

the hospital?! Is

everything okay!?

yes. I'm an intern. I just got

off shift. I'm about to go

home. I am not going to call

you while I'm here. But we

are having it out when I get




(Amber drives back to her apartment)

(She picks up her phone)



I just got home

Okay, give me a minute,

I'm doing the dishes


(Ring... Ring)

(Amber picks up the phone)

Alex: okay? What did I do to you this time.

Amber: how is your wife?

Alex: Jo? She is fine... why?

Amber: well. Remember how I told you I'm an intern now?

Alex: yeah congrats. Why didn't you tell me you graduated Med School?

Amber: oh no. Don't ask me why I didn't tell you. I wanted to surprise you, I got matched to Grey+Sloan. I came to surprise you and Jo. But it turns out I'm the one who got a surprise...

Alex: Amber... I...

Amber: what? Left your wife? Have kids? Didn't tell your family? Is in love with another women? Which one?

Alex: am Sorry.

Amber: how could you do this Alex?! I get it! You have kids! You don't want to be like our dad. You want your kids to know their father! But how could you do this to your wife?! You guys came to Iowa to visit after you got married. You were happy. In love. And I come to find out! You leave her. Not only did you leave her! You couldn't even tell her to her face. You left her with a freaking letter Alex! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Alex: Amber... I was going to tell you.

Amber: oh. And when was that going to be?!

Alex: I- I didn't know how to. But I was going to.

Amber: how could you do this to Jo? She is literally the best women you have ever been with. I have never seen or heard you happier than when your with her.

Alex: I don't know... I... I don't know. You talked to her? How is she? Is she okay?

Amber: Alex... you left her... how okay can she be?

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