You Didn't

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(Jo wakes up and Alex is no longer in bed with her)

(She looks around)

Jo: Alex?

(He pops out of the bathroom)

Alex: Hey. I'm here.

(Jo let's put a deep breathe)

Alex: what's wrong?

Jo: I thought you left

(He walks over to her and leans over the bed)

Alex: I'm not going anywhere

(He kisses her)

(She smiles)

(He walks over to the kitchen and grabs some coffee)

Jo: this is the best wake up I've had in months.

Alex: you and me both.

Jo: what time is it?

Alex: 7:30. Why?

Jo: I have to go in at 8:45

Alex: okay.

Jo: are you coming in?

Alex: yeah, I'm gonna talk to Bailey, see if I can get my job back.

Jo: good. We need you back.

(Alex smiles)

Jo: well it's only 7:30? We still have over an hour?

Alex: oh... I see...

(Alex smiles)

Jo: you do, Do you?

(He gets in bed again with Jo)



Jo: do you want a ride to the hospital?

Alex: yeah, sure. Wait.

Jo: what?

Alex: I didn't tel anyone I was coming back. I didn't know I was coming back. I should probably call meredith and Amber

Jo: surprise them?

Alex: yeah, I guess.

Jo: good.


(They drive to the hospital)

Jo: so, I'll see you later?

Alex: yeah, I'm going to wait in here for a minute.

Jo: okay. Bye.

Alex: hey, wait. I've missed three months of goodby kisses. No way am I missing anymore

Jo: of course not.

(She kisses him and gets out of the car)


(Chiefs Office)

(Alex walks to the door and knocks)

Bailey: what can I do for you?

(She says not looking up from her computer)

Alex:hey chief?

(Bailey shoots up)

Bailey: Karev? Wh- what the? What are you doing here?!

Alex: I'm home.

(She gets up and hugs him)

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