She Taught Me

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*May 16th 2021*

(In Kansas)

Alex: goodnight

Amber: night... Idiot.

(Amber hangs up)

(Alex laughs)


Alex: Lex! Eli! Come here!

(The kids run down the hall into the kitchen)

Eli: yeah!?

Alex: what do you say we make you guys some dinner?

Alexis: okay! What are we having?

Alex: how about spaghetti and chicken?

Alexis: like spaghetti and meatballs?

Alex: yeah, but instead of meatballs it is chicken.

Eli: that sounds gross.

Alex: I thought so too. But it's really good. Trust me.

Eli: okay. Are we making it now?

Alex: yeah, do you want to help me?

Alexis & Eli: yeah!

Alex: great. Alexis, you go grab the long noodles out of the pantry. And Eli, how about you grab me the chicken out of the fridge?

Eli & Alexis: okay!


(10 minutes later)

(Alex is standing at the oven and the kids are both kneeling on chairs on either side of him)

Alexis: can I have a piece of chicken?

Alex: it's really hot right now, here. Blow in it.

(He hands her a piece of chicken)

Eli: I want one too.

(They both eat a piece of chicken)

Alex: hot?

Eli: a little. But it's good. Try it.

Alex: okay

(Alex grabs a piece of chicken and puts it in his mouth)

Alex: ow!! Hot! 

(The kids start cracking up)

Alexis: you should have blew on it.

Alex: now you tell me.

(They all keep laughing hysterically)

(The front door opens and Izzie walks in)

Izzie: are we having a party?

(Alex (smiling) looks back at Izzie and stops laughing a little)

Alexis: dad burnt his mouth!

(She says laughing)

(The kids look at each other and keep laughing)

(Alex goes back to cooking the food without saying anything)

Izzie: when will food be ready?

Alex: like twenty minutes

Izzie: okay, well I'm going to go get showered and changed. I'll be out in fifteen minutes.

Izzie: okay?

Alex: um. Yeah.

(Izzie gives him a curious look before walking to the master bedroom)

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