He's Gone

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Jo: Alex left...

Amber: what do you mean "Alex left"? Is he sick?

Jo: no... he left me... he went to Kansas.

Amber: why?

Jo: he um...

*pager goes off*

Jo: I'll um... I'll find you later. I need to go.

(Jo runs off without her coffee)

Man: wha-?

Amber: here. I'll pay for her.

(Amber pays for Tom & Jo's Coffee)

(She drops Jo's coffee off in her office)

(Amber brings Tom's coffee to him)


Tom: took you long enough!

Amber: sorry. I had to talk to Jo.

Tom: I really don't care. Let's go.

Amber: you mean I get to work on a patient?

Tom: don't make me change my mind.

Amber: sorry.

Tom: just stop talking.

Amber: yes.


(2 hours later)

(Amber is going to get a quick power nap before surgery and passes an on call room)

(She looks through the window on the door and sees Jo)

(She is sitting on a bed crying into what looks like a lab coat)

Amber: oh Jo...

(She goes to walk in)

Tom: Karev! No sleeping! Let's go! We have surgery!

Amber: sorry! Coming

(She looks back at Jo crying again and then follows Tom)


(11 hours later)

(Amber just changed out of her scrubs into her streets)

(She grabs her bag and walks to the door)

Jo: hey...

Amber: Jo... Hey...

Jo: I was going to come find you to talk... but you were in surgery. And then I was in surgery.

Amber: yeah, Koracick is such a blow hard.

(Jo chuckles)

Jo: yeah.

Amber: well I'm off now. We can talk now?

Jo: yeah, I'm on call tonight but we can go to my office.

Amber: okay... Yeah...

Jo: good. Follow me.

(They walk to Jo's office and sit down on the couch)

Amber: nice office...

Jo: thanks...

Amber: so... why is my brother in Kansas?

Jo: it's kinda a long story...

Amber: I have time.

Jo: okay. So um... our friend. Meredith Grey. She had a patient who didn't have medical insurance. She needed surgery but her father couldn't afford it. So meredith put her four year old daughters name on the insurance form. Long story short, she got caught. And her medical license was at risk. Alex... he um... he reached out to all of our old friends and some that I didn't know. April Kepner, Arizona Robbins, Callie Torres, Addison Montgomery, Cristina Yang, and um... Izzie stevens...

Amber: okay?

Jo: Izzie Stevens... she used to work here. With Alex... she was in their intern class... her and Alex dated... and then they um...

(Jo looks up at the ceiling trying not to cry)

Jo: she got cancer... they got married... they weren't sure if she was going to be able to have kids after the radiation so Alex fertilized her eggs for their future so they could have kids if they wanted... but once she was in remission. She left him. She wrote him a letter saying she was gone and wasn't coming back...

Amber: he didn't-

Jo: a little over two months ago... he said he was going to help your mom out... we were happy. We had just gotten married. The first few days after he left we were talking, he would tell me how good things were going and that he loved me. I knew something was up when he would change the subject and wouldn't answer me when I'd ask when he was coming home. But I didn't think anything of it... I just assumed he'd tell me when he was ready to talk about it. I was trying to give him his space because that's what I wanted when I was going through my own family stuff... I thought I was doing what was best for him... for us...

(By now Jo is crying)

Jo: but then... he stopped answering my calls. Wouldn't respond to texts. I got worried. I started thinking the worst. That he had gotten hurt. Like he was dead on the side of the road. Or a- a John Doe in a morgue somewhere. I started calling around hospitals seeing if he fit the description of any of their John Doe's. I was working one day. My friend Link. He had picked up my mail from the loft because I hadn't been home in days. So anyways I was in the attendings lounge doing some dishes and Link comes in with a bag of some of my stuff I asked him to grab, and my mail...

(She takes a deep breathe and wipes the tears flowing down her cheeks)

Jo: in the mail was a envelope. It had my name in the middle of it, and his name and an address on the top left. So I um... I sat down. And once everyone had left the lounge and it was just me, I opened the letter.

(She starts crying even more)

Jo: he um... Izzie... five years ago she used their embryos... she had twins. A boy, and a girl... when Alex called to get letters for Meredith's trial... he called Izzie... and she um... she told him the truth. How she had his kids five years earlier. So Alex... he found out... he went to Kansas to meet his kids but apparently he fell back in love with Izzie while he was their. And out of love with me. He told me he loved me. And I believe it. He loves me. But he isn't in love with me... so he left... he left his job. His friends... me... he left me... his wife... with a letter. He couldn't come home to tell us he was leaving.

(Amber is now crying)

Amber: oh Jo...

Jo: I'm um... I'm sorry... I thought he would tell his family.

Amber: no... He didn't...

(Amber hugs Jo)

Amber: I'm so sorry my idiot of a brother did this.

Jo: no. Don't be. You aren't Alex. You didn't do this.

Amber: I wish he would have told me. I could have talked him out. I just don't understand why he didn't tell me. I mean, we call once a week. Sometimes twice.

Jo: oh... and he didn't say anything... about anything?

Amber: no. I- god I am so mad at him right now. I want to kick him in the junk!

(Jo chuckles)

Jo: I did too. For a while. But- I know how he grew up. I grew up in foster care too. No parents. He wants his kids to have two parents. I understand that. I just. I wish he would have talked to me. So we could have work things out. Done things together.

(She starts to cry again)

Jo: ugh!! I thought I was over the crying part but I just-

Amber: he was your husband. You miss him. You have every right to cry and to miss him.

Jo: yeah... I just. I'm so over being sad. I'm so sick of crying.

(Her pager goes off again)

Jo: crap! 911 in the Pit. I have to go.

Amber: yeah, of course. I'll see you tomorrow.

Jo: I'll see you.

(Jo walks out)

(Amber throws herself against the couch and let's out a giant sigh)

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