Good Nights Sleep

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"This place looks so different in the dark"


"You think the tree ruined my couch?"

"Hahahaha I think it ruined your entire living room"

"Listen I have to tell you something"

"No you don't"

"You don't even know what I'm going to say"

"I think I do... and you shouldn't"

(Alex changes his mind. He was going to tell her that he loved her but she said he shouldn't)

Alex: Jo. I just wanted to say how terribly sorry I am that this happened to you

(Jo looks a little confused because she thought he would say something else)

(He pulls her into a hug and rubs her back)

Alex: you deserve so much more in life than someone like Jason

(Jo starts crying)

Alex: I'm so so sorry Jo. You deserve someone who loves you for who you are. I'm sorry that Jason was a jerk and can't handle your past. Just know that I will always be here if you need anything at all.
Jo: thank you Alex. Sometimes I feel like your the only person I can talk to and relate to.
Alex: I get that. We are a lot alike.
Jo: yeah.

(They stare into each others eyes for a little bit until one of Alex's patients codes)

Alex: dang it! Okay, we can continue this later.
Jo: yeah. Thanks.

(Alex starts to walk)

Alex: you coming? I can't do this without you.

(Jo smiles)

Jo: yeah, I'm coming.

(They walk to Alex's patient)

(2 weeks since that night)

(Jo has been staying in an extra bedroom at Alex and Cristina's house)

(Alex, Jo, Stephanie, Jackson, Leah, and Ross are at Alex's house drinking together)

Stephanie: wait, who did that?
Alex: doctor Altman, it was great, she literally called him a dumb blonde and then he tried to seduce his was into her surgeries

(Jo, Leah, and Stephanie start cracking up)

(Alex stares at Jo)

Jo: what? Do I have something on my face?
Alex: no. Your look great- I mean- no- you have nothing on your face

(Everybody looks back and forth at Jo and Alex who are now staring at each other)

(They continue talking about their years of residency and funny stories about their early years)

Jackson: hey, karev, remember when you offered to trade a surgery with reed for se-

(Jo looks away)

Alex: HEY, Murphy I heard you scrubbed in grey on a crazy surgery today?
Leah: oh... um... yeah, there was a tumor surrounding the entire liver and so we removed the liver and just did a liver transplant.

(They keep talking for a few more hours)

(It is 10:50pm. Stephanie and Jackson have just left)

Jo: dishes are done, I'm going to go up to bed.
Alex: okay, I'll see you later. Goodnight
Jo: night.

(Jo walks to the stairs)

Jo: oh... and Alex....
Alex: yeah?
Jo: thanks for letting me stay here, I know I can be a pain.
Alex: You are always welcome here. As long as you want. And Jo... your not a pain. I love having a roommate who doesn't make fun of me all the time and who actually understands me.
Jo: I make fun of you pretty often.
Alex: yeah, but it's different.

(Jo smiles)

Jo: I guess.

(She walks back into the kitchen and sits down)

Alex: what are you doing? You have rounds in the morning. You should get to sleep
Jo: there is coffee for that.
Alex: still, humans need sleep.
Jo: I can stay up a little longer.
Alex: okay. Want a beer?
Jo: I'm going to try to sober up, so how about a hot chocolate?
Alex: coming right up.

(He makes her a hot chocolate and puts mini marshmallows in it)

Jo chuckles: thanks
Alex: yeah.
Jo: what time do you go in tomorrow?
Alex: not till 2
Jo: oh. Any cool surgeries?
Alex: not really, just some basic ones that happen like 5 times a week
Jo: what time, I'd love to help.
Alex: you sure? It might be boring.
Jo: no it won't. It's never boring working with you. you make it fun.
Alex: thanks, yeah, I would love the company. It's at 3:45. OR 4

(Jo smiles)

Jo: okay, I'll be there.
Alex: great.

(They talk for a few hours and then sit down and watch a movie on the couch)

(An hour and a half later)

Alex: that's was a good movie.... Jo?

(He looks to his left to see Jo asleep)

(He was just going to let her sleep there but he knows she needs a good night sleep and although this couch is comfy it's nothing compared to her own bed)

(Alex puts his arms under Jo and lifts the beautiful sleeping women up like a bride)

(He memorized every feature of her face as he carries her up the stairs and into her bedroom)

(He lays her down on her bed and goes to pull his arms out from under her but she starts to wake up)

Jo: wha-?
Alex: shh. It's okay. You fell asleep on the couch. I thought you might want to have a good nights sleep. I didn't mean to wake you up.
Jo: oh- okay.

(Alex walks towards the door and Jo is already half asleep)

Alex: I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.
Jo: goodnight.

(Alex looks back at Jo asleep)

Alex whispers: I love you Jo.

Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to update regularly but I also have two other Jolex stories, one is complete but I am still working on the other. They are called "Together Again" & "I Need To Go Back". Feel free to go check them out and tell me what you think about them! Don't forget to Comment and vote on this story and tell me if you like

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