Goodnight Baby

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"We have gotten the test results back for your two babies. In the case of Alexis Riley James the father is Mr. Emmet James, in the case of Elijah Mathew James the father is Mr. Emmet James congratulations on the news! Enjoy your two bundles of Joy!"

(Although Alex and Jo both had their doubts about Alex being the father of the twins, they also knew that there was a very, very high chance he was. So they got used to the idea of being new co-parents)

(Everyone looks completely shocked because they all truly did think Alex was the father)

Izzie: oh my god! (Happily)

Emmet: oh my god! (Happily)

Jo: oh my god (a little sad)

(Alex looks down at the babies, and then over at Jo very sadly)

Alex: wow. I- I didn't- I thought-

(Izzie stands up and grabs the bay out of Jo's arms and then the baby out of Alex's)

Izzie: I- I am so sorry guys, I should have made sure they were Alex's babies before contacting you.

Emmet: I am sorry we brought you into this mess. But thank you for convincing us to do this test! Now I have my own biological kids.

(Alex stands up and walks out the door)

Jo: I am sorry. I think maybe you guys should go now.

Izzie: wait- I thought this is what he wanted?

Jo: are you kidding me? The only reason Alex wanted to get that test was to make sure we weren't lying to these precious babies. And to make sure Emmet knew he had his own children and didn't have to share. You made him think he was going to be a father.

Izzie: Jo-

Jo: don't- first you use his embryos and scare the crap out of him telling him he had babies he didn't know about after they had already been born. And then when he gets happy about it, they get taken from him.

Izzie: I'm so sorry

Jo: little advice... next time you decide you want kids, leave Alex and I out of it and maybe adopt. There are plenty of children and babies in the system who need parents.

(Jo storms out of the room looking everywhere for Alex)

(Finally she walks into an on-call room on the fifth floor and finds Alex pacing back and forth)

Jo: Alex?

Alex: oh, hi. Sorry.

Jo: no. Don't say sorry.

Alex: Jo, look at me, I'm freaking out because I figured out I don't have twins with another women.

Jo: no. Your not.

Alex: what do you mean?

Jo: your freaking out because you figured out you don't have those babies. It has nothing to do with Izzie. Right?

Alex: yes. I just. I got excited about the fact that I would be playing baseball with my son and going to my daughters dance recitals.

Jo: oh babe. I'm so sorry. It will be okay. You will be okay.

(Jo walks over to Alex and stops his pacing)

(He puts his head in her shoulder and J stands there holding him for a few minutes)

Jo: how about we go home, watch a movie and drink a lot?

Alex: I love you.

Jo: I know. I love you too. __________________________________

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