It's My turn To Talk

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(The next morning)

(Alex walks down the stairs into the kitchen)

Jo: morning!

Alex: good morning.

Jo: want some coffee?

Alex: yeah, sure. No-

Jo: no sugar extra cream.

(Alex laughs)

Alex: how did you remember?

Jo: that's what your get every time.

Alex: yeah thank you.

Jo: of course.

(They drink their coffee)

Alex: you have rounds. You should probably get going.

Jo: oh crap! Yeah. I gotta go.

(Jo leaves and goes to the hospital)


Jo: Doctor grey?

Mer: what do you want wilson?

Jo: have you seen Doctor Karev? I have a surgery with him in five minutes but I can't find him

Mer: um, yeah, I just saw him in the attendings lounge

Jo: okay, thank you Doctor grey.

Mer: whatever.

(Jo walks to the attendings lounge)

(Knock... knock...)

Alex: hey?

Jo: hey, aren't we supposed to be in surgery soon?

Alex: yeah, sorry. What time is it?

Jo: umm... 3:44

Alex: okay, want to come get the patient with me?

Jo: yeah sure

(They walk to the patient and bring him to the OR)

Alex: okay Miles, you ready?

Miles: I'm scared.

Jo: your going to do great buddy. Doctor karev is amazing at what he does.

Miles: he is?

Jo: yeah, he's the best. You are in great hands. Trust me

Miles: okay. I'm ready.

Alex: okay, Doctor. He's ready.

(They put him under) __________________________________

(3 and a half hours go by and the surgery goes perfectly)

(They scrub out and go to update the family)

(They walk into the waiting area)

Alex: Mrs. Blanche?

Mrs. Blanche: Carol, you can call me Caroline.

Alex: well Caroline, We just finished up, surgery went perfectly.

Carol: OH thank you so much!

(She hugs Jo and then Alex)

Jo: you can see him when he wakes up.

Carol: thank you! Thank you so so much!

Alex: of course.

(They walk away)

Alex: where are you going?

Jo: I got some blood in my shoes, I'm going to go clean myself up

Alex: okay, sorry. I'll see you later.

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