Work Up

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Alex: hey. Where are you going?

Jo: sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. I have rounds in five

Alex: are you feeling better?

Jo: yeah. I feel great. 100% myself again.

Alex: guess I'm just magic.

Jo: yep, a good night sleep cuddling with you and all my problems go away.

(Alex laughs)

Jo: how did your surgery go?

Alex: oh, I didn't do it.

Jo: what?

Alex: I tried to sneak out but you started to wake up and I could tell you still weren't feeling good, so I asked Arizona to take it. I was here with you all night.

Jo: you didn't have to do that?

Alex: of course I did. Your my Jo.

(Jo smiles)

Jo: I love you.

Alex: I love You.

(Jo kisses Alex)

Jo: I wish I didn't have rounds

Alex: you and me both, what time are they?

Jo: 8:45

Alex: it's only 7:30?

Jo: I need a shower

Alex: oh. Okay, well I will see you later.

Jo: see ya

(Jo leaves the room and then Alex leaves)


(Lunch time)

(Alex is sitting in the cafeteria with Meredith and maggie)

(Arizona walks in)

Meredith: so they just left?

Alex: yeah. I mean they had every right to. They aren't my kids

Maggie: that is just not right, first they tell you that she had your babies, and then she just takes them away?

(Arizona sits down at the table anymore)

Alex: I don't really want to talk about it anymore

Arizona: hey. What are you guys talking about

Meredith: izzie

Arizona: oh yeah, I heard. She just left with the babies?

Alex: yeah, but I don't really want to talk about it.

Arizona: okay. Oh hey, Alex, what's going on with Jo?

Alex: what do you mean?

Arizona: well callie told me how she had to leave the OR because she was getting sick, and then I walked into the bathroom today and she was puking?

Alex: what? She told me she was fine?

Arizona: Does she have the flu?

Alex: maybe. I'm going to go check on her, anyone know where she is?

Meredith: I'm pretty sure she is on Amelia's service today

Alex: okay, thanks mer.

Maggie: tell her I said feel better

Alex: yeah, thanks

(Alex walks over to the nurses station)

Alex: hey, nurse, do you know where doctor Wilson or doctor Shepherd is?

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