Evilspawn & Hairball

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(The next morning)


(Alex wakes up facing away from Jo)

Alex: ugh

Jo: what is it?

(He turns around to see a smiling Jo)

Alex: oh thank god

Jo: what?

Alex: it wasn't a dream.

Jo: nope. That really happened.

Alex: twice.

(Jo starts laughing)

(A faint knocking across the hall)

Cristina: Wilson! Did you use the last of the milk?

Jo: crap.

Cristina: Hairball!?

(She bangs on the door again)

Jo: what do I do?

(Alex starts laughing)

Alex: go in the bathroom I'll just say i don't know where you are

Jo: okay.

(Jo scurries her naked giggling body into the bathroom)

(Cristina opens Alex's door)

Cristina: oh.

Alex: what?

Cristina: Wilson isn't in her room, thought you two hooked up?

Alex: I don't know where she is?

Cristina: yeah, okay. Who's in the bathroom?

(Cristina gives Alex a questioning look)

Alex: I probably just shut the door when I was coming out of it

Cristina: yeah. And I suppose that was you squealing your own name last night too?

(Alex doesn't say anything)

Cristina: congratulations EvilSpawn. See ya later hairball!

(Cristina smiles at Alex and then walks out of the room)

(Alex hears Cristina walk down the stairs)

Alex: your good.

(Jo opens the door and they both start cracking up)

Alex: get over here!

(Jo giggles and jumps in bed back on top of him)

Jo: what time do you have to go in?

Alex: not till 12

Jo: good. We have the house to ourselves till then

Alex: yep.

(An hour has passed and Alex and Jo are in the kitchen talking about what happened)


M- AHHHH!!!!! CONRATS!!!! Why didn't you tell me?!

A- tell you what?

M- You finally got with Wilson?!

A- So I see you talked to Yang

M- yeah! Why didn't you tell me?

A- it just happened.

M- well was it good?


M- I'm just asking?

A- and I'm not saying

M- oh, it was bad?

A- no. It was amazing, I mean I'm not talking to you about this.

M- okay, what time are you coming in?

A- 12

M- okay, see you then

A- see ya


Jo: was that Cristina?

Alex: worse, Meredith.

Jo: oh god, they probably told everyone in the hospital

Alex: at least we don't have to keep this a secret.

Jo: ah hu

(They start to make out)

(Alex picks Jo up and carries her to the couch)

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