A Curious Look

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(Fast forward a few years)

(End of season 12. Alex didn't propose to Jo. They are still together now living in the Loft)

(Jo wakes up and Alex isn't in bed)

(Alex walks in the door)

Alex: good morning beautiful

Jo: morning. Where were you?

Alex: I was getting the mail.

Jo: oh

(She gets out of bed)

Jo: want me to make you anything?

Alex: what were you thinking?

Jo: maybe waffles?

Alex: sounds delicious!

Jo: okay

Alex: what the hell?!

Jo: what?

Alex: I got a letter.

Jo: from who?

Alex: izzie.

Jo: izzie?

Alex: my-

Jo: Your ex wife izzie?!

Alex: yeah.

Jo: what does she want?

Alex: I haven't opened it.

Jo: do you want to read it in private?

Alex: no, will you do it with me?

Jo: of course, are you sure you want me to?

Alex: yes.

Jo: okay.

(They sit down on the bed next to each other and Alex opens the letter)

(Jo reads out loud)


"Dear Alex

Hey, It's been a while. I know this is a bit out of the blue. And I want to apologize in advance for what I'm about to tell you, I'm sorry. You have probably moved on and I want you to know I have too. I am married to an amazing man, his name is Emmet and we have been together for about five years. We have been trying to grow our family but because of the cancer there was very little chance. We wanted to adopt, but we also wanted biological children. A little over three years ago we started IVF. After four failed attempts we decided to try something else. We used the embryos. The ones you fertilized, and low and behold. They stuck. And I am so sorry I didn't tell you or ask your permission. That was 10 months ago. Alex. I had twins. Four weeks ago. Alexis and Eli. They are absolutely perfect babies. I'm not going to say I regret my decision because I don't. I love my daughter and son. I just thought that you should get the chance to know them if you'd like. You can call me at 484-555-6788. I hope you are doing well.

-Isobel James"


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