You Can't Terrify People Like That

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 (Alex and Jo stayed in Kansas for 5 days and have been back in Seattle for a little over two weeks now. They haven't found out who fathered the twins)

Alex: wait- do we have time for this?

Jo: yeah, we don't have to scrub in for another hour and a half

Alex: okay.

(They get back at it in the on-call room)

(Knock... Knock...)

Cross: Doctor Karev?

(They stop)

Alex: what is it intern?! I'm busy!

Cross: there is a women here asking for you?

Alex: I'm not on call.

Cross: She said she would only see you.

Alex: god! These freaking interns.

Jo: ugh. We aren't done here

Alex: hell no.

(Jo laughs)

Alex: how about you come with me? Then we can still spend time together?

Jo: yeah!

Alex: great!

(They put their shirts back on and walk out the door)

(Jo is redoing her hair)

(Cross is just staring at her)

Alex: who is it?

(Cross is still starring at her)

Alex: Intern!?

Cross: sorry. Yes. Isobel James, she said it was urgent?

(Alex looks at Jo)

Alex: oh god! The twins!

Jo: let's go!

(They run down to the pit)

Alex: what?! What is it? Are the babies okay?!

Izzie: Yes, they are fine. The paternity results came in.

Jo: god! You can't just scare people like that

Izzie: I figured you'd want to be with the babies when you realize they ARE your children

Alex: they are mine? Good. Thank you. I'm sorry I just needed to know for sure. I didn't want to get my hopes up.

(Alex hugs and kisses Jo and then goes to pick up Alexis out of Izzie's arm)

Izzie: no, we haven't opened it yet, I wanted to do it all together

Alex: what?! Oh... so you don't know...

Izzie: no, I know, I just want to see the look on your face.

(Jo and Alex look at each other again)

Emmet: okay, do you want to go somewhere private?

Alex: yeah, follow us.

(They walk to a conference room)

(Jo and Alex sit on one side of the table and Izzie and Emmet sitting on the other side. Alex and Jo are holding the babies)

Izzie: okay. Want to open it?

Alex: we can do it together.

Emmet: okay.

(They open the envelope, put the piece of folded paper on the table and unfold it)

(Everyone is reading word for word what it says until they get to the last line on the page)

"We have gotten the test results back for your two babies. In the case of Alexis Riley James the father is Mr. ....................., in the case of Elijah Mathew James the father is Mr. ................... congratulations on the news! Enjoy your two bundles of Joy!"

Sorry for the short chapter, I don't think I am going to continue this story much longer. Don't forget to Comment and Vote! Live you guys! Thank you for reading! Go check out my other stories!

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