Struck with guilt

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I walked through the streets. My thoughts occupying my brain. "Dad". I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard Fievel's voice. I looked around for him in the street but couldn't spot him. "Dad". Finally I spotted him in a side street. He looked awfull. His face was bruised and had cuts, he looked pale and I saw blood stains on his shirt. He leaned against a wall for support and limped forward with trouble. He fell forward with a groan and I caught him just in time. He looked up at me with tears. "I... i... Anne... I" he said in pain and sadness. I pulled him towards me "shh its okay. You can tell me later" I told him.

(Filly's P.O.V.)
Dad helped me up and he let me take my time to walk. We reached the house on Watery Lane and he opened the door for me. "Holy Jesus" Polly said as she saw me, "Ada grab some bandages and the sewing kit" Polly ordered as dad helped me sit down. As Polly made quick work of stitching me up, I explained what happened. "I... I.. I didn't mean to" I said with tears in my eyes, "didnt mean to kill her" I said and choked up. "Fievel, kill who?" Polly asked, "Anne" I heard dad say. I got a pityfull look from Poll. "It.. it was an accident. I... didnt mean... too" I said with guilt. "Listen to me" Dad said making me look at him. "You defended yourself. And she was just in the erong place at the wrong time". "But-".

Dad shook his head stopping me from talking

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Dad shook his head stopping me from talking. "Its not your fault". I nodded and hugged him.

A couple of days later

I felt a lot better. I still had a little limp in my walk from when Richard had almost broken my leg. I walked with dad and my uncles through the street. I saw some of officer Moss's collegues walk up to us with a fast pace. "Sawyer Tran!" One of them loudly yelled at me. Fear filled my stomach immediatly and I froze. "You're under arrest for murdering Anne Susan Tran" he said and grabbed a hold of me and pulled me towards him. "No! It was an accident! I didnt mean too" I yelled loudly while struggling in their grip. Dad tried to help but the coppers threatened to arrest them aswell for intervering.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I watched Filly eyes fill with hurt as I didnt help him out. "You got to trust me, son. We'll get you out, alright. Don't worry" I told him. It seemed to calm him and he nodded at me before being taken with the coppers. I stood in the street and watched Fievel being taken away from me and he gave me one hopefull and pleading look before rounding the corner. It was a look that was still asking me for his help and still hoping that I would help him out. "Dont worry, son. I'll get you out" I whispered.

Published: 20th of June 2021

Sorry for the short chapter

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