When tomorrow starts

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I was sitting on the couch reading a newspaper with Filly leaning against me. He was starting to fall asleep at the warmth and crackling sound of the fireplace. Polly walked into the livingroom and smiled as she saw the sight in front of her. "He should get to bed" she suggested at me as she nodded to Filly who was now fast asleep. I agreed and laid the newspaper next to me. I sat Filly up right so I could stand up. I turned around and carefully picked him up. I grabbed his blanket. He had retrieved it from his room in Polly's house earlier this night. I shook it before pulling it over his shoulders wrapping him in it. I said goodnight to the rest of the family and went upstairs. I opened his door carefully not wanting to wake Fievel up because the door creaks often. I shifted Filly in my arms so I could lay him down easier. I had my arm underneath his harm supporting his back and the other underneath his legs, bridlestyle as many call it. I placed him down on his bed and tucked him in before giving him a kiss on his forehead. I saw him smile as he huddled himself even more inside his blanket. I grabbed one of his stuffed animals and handed it to him. He grabbed it in his tiny hands and held it to his chest. I watched him for a couple minutes enjoying seeing him sleep peacefully. Before I softly left his room to go to my room. I sat down on my bed and rubbed my head as the event that had occured a couple hours ago snapped back into my head. I shaked a bit as I thought about loosing Filly, my little Filly. Eventually I fell asleep with a restless mind.

I woke up. The sun was rising. I stretched my muscles and stood up. I walked out my room and to Filly's room. I opened the door and peaked inside the dark room. I nodded as I saw him in his bed, still asleep. I decided I would let him sleep further untill breakfast was almost ready. I walked down and sat at the table next to John. Polly handed me a cup of tea and went back to helping Ada with breakfast. We talked about some business as the rest of the family came down. Eventually Ada asked if I could get Filly so we can all have breakfast together. I nodded and stood up and walked up the creaky stairs to retrieve my son. The sun was up and the room had more light. I walked through the door and to his bed. "Goodmorning Bud" I said and pulled the blanket back. I froze as I saw that Filly was not there. "Filly?" I called out. Sometimes he likes to hide if he wakes up earlier. "Come out". I started to panic as I didn't get an answer. "Filly!" I screamed as I ran to search the other rooms. "Fievel!". I ran down the stairs and the whole family stood up. They all looked scared. I ran past Arthur out the door and loudly yelled for Filly on Watery Lane. "Where is he!?" I yelled in panic as I turned to my brothers. All of them frantically looked around and yelled for Fievel. We all knew he was gone. My panic sat in fully and I didn't knew what to do. I needed to find him. I need to go to him. I knew what I needed to do but not how to start. It was to much for me and I bent forward and puked. Arthur grabbed me and pulled me in an embrace.

"We'll find him" he said as he had to hold me up because I was starting to get weak in my knees

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"We'll find him" he said as he had to hold me up because I was starting to get weak in my knees.

Earlier that day

(Unknown person's P.O.V.)
I was standing outside of Birmingham. Me and some of my men where going to meet someone. It was night. I watched a car speed past me and my men. The perculier thing was that I heard a child voice screaming as it came closer. I turned my head to follow the car and I saw the child as it passed us. "Shit" I cursed. "Follow that car, Ishmael. Don't let them see you" I said and pointed to the car. He nodded and ran to his car with 3 others and sped behind the other car. I waved for the others to follow me and ordered the driver to go to a specific adress.

Published: 25 of november 2020

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