An unexpected visitor

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(Filly's P.O.V.)
"Shelby!" I heard my name being calles out by officer Vergreen. I turned my head to look at the door of my cell and saw him stand in front of it. "You've got a visitor" he announced with boredom. I sat up from my laying position on my bed and put my feet down on the ground. I raised an eyebrow at him in questioning of who the visitor was. He moved forward and opened the door before ordering me to follow him. We arrived in a different room. Vergreen grabbed my upper arm and pushed me over to a wall with some iron ring on it. The handcuffs he had previously put on where grabbed and he attached them onto the iron ring. "So you cant escape" he scoffed throwing my hands down. I rolled my eyes after he turned his back at me and walked out. I pooked around the empty room. The tiled floor was a dull red colour, the ugly grey walls had cracks in them and all in all it was just awfull. It basically screamed neglet. I sat down on the cold floor and waited for my visitor. I heard the sound of the old door open and I looked up. "You've got to be fucking joking" I said to myself as I saw Richard walk through the door. As quick as I could I stood up, but I was trapped because of being handcuffed to a bloody wall. "Calm down, Sawyer" Richard said as he walked towards the table and chair in the corner, "I just came to talk". "You dont talk. You hit or punch" I snarled at him. He ignored me and sat down on the chair crossing his legs before looking at me. "I came here to tell you the truth" he said. I scoffed and shook my head. I was still wary of him, cause he could easily kill me while Im still tied. "Look, Sawyer, I-", "Its Fievel" I snapped at him, "excuse me?" He asked raising an eyebrow in question, "if you want to talk to me. I suggest you call me Fievel". He nodded and I continued to find a default in the handcuffs. So I could break them easily if I needed too. "Listen, Sa-" he stopped when I shot him a warning glare telling him not to say the fake name he gave me. "Like I said, Fievel, I uh came here to tell you the truth" he began, "and what truth may that be?" I asked sitting back down on the floor. "Have you ever wondered how you came into Mr Shelby's life?" He asked me, "he took me from the streets" I answered back, "correct. But why did he take you from the streets?". Where is he going with this. "Cause you can easily get rid of street kids. They are runaways with no home, no future, no purpose. You can easily abuse that into making them think they are loved. But when push comes to shove. They will abandon you like you're some gum underneath their shoe" he told me, "you're lying" I snapped at him. All sort of emotions where rising up: anger, fear, sadness, betrayed. "Am I?" He asked me with an apologetic tone, "where is he Fievel? Where is he? You've been in jail for 3 weeks now. Has he come to see you yet, or has any of your family come to see you?" He asked. My breath began to quicken and my hands started to tremble. I tried telling myself he is just manipulating me, but it was the truth. None of them havent come to see me. The realization hit me and tears started to sting in my eyes. "No. No. You're lying" I said to him and tears slowly rolled over my cheeks. He shook his head "sadly Im not, Fievel". I leaned my head back against the wall. "So what? You came here to gloat about my misfortune" I asked him bitter. He shook his head "I also came here to tell you. That you're not in jail for murder. You're in jail for racing fraude". "What?" I asked him confused. He stood up and walked towards the door. He opened it and I froze as a soft gasp escaped my lips. Anne was standing in front of the doorway. "What the hell?" I breathed out. Anne smiled at me before carefully stepping towards me as I stared at her with wide eyes. "How? I... I killed you" I stammered. She shook her head before opening her arms for me. I hesitated for a moment but it was all to much. So with a cry I fell into her arms. Her warm embrace reminded me of someone who was supposed to be here. Someone I thought loved me, but is his love fake? Anne carefully moved her fingers through my hair calming me down like only a parent could do. While I was in her arms, Richard started to explain. Anne had just blacked out and Richard was in so much adrenaline that he thought she was dead. He excessively told me he was sorry and asked for forgiveness. I gripped Anne's arm harder as my mind was wrapped around the truth and the lies, the real and the not so real events. I ignored his plea for forgiveness and asked "why am I in for horse racing fraude?" I asked him.

Published: 22nd of September 2021

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