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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Anger and resentment. That's all I feel when I look at Fievel. This emotion feels ugly, it feels powerful, while at the same time it's weakening. It is confusing in some ways especially when it morphs into a rage. One will lose his mind with this emotion and consequences will be dangerous. And in my state of wanting to punish him, hurt him, the result of that was indeed dangerous. My finger had just pulled the trigger from the gun. I fired the gun straight at Fievel's chest. The bullet hit him and he flinched slightly but stayed in the same place. Red crimson blood started to stain his chest and his head started to hang due to the strength leaving his body. He didn't even try to stop me from shooting him. No begging, not even moving out of the way, he did absolutely nothing to not get shot. Then the sudden uneasy feeling of worry and fear filled the pit of my stomach. My chest tightened and my heart began to thump faster. I stepped back with shaking hands as I watched Fievel fall to his knees. Realization of what I had done hit me like I brick. My feet were frozen to the ground.

My mind and heart screamed for me to move and help him

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My mind and heart screamed for me to move and help him. But the concern of hurting him more kept me in my place. I was a deer in headlights as I looked down at Fievel. Pain shot through his eyes as he coughed up blood. Seeing him in pain removed the anger and rage I felt for him completely out of my system. It was replaced with the need to protect him. Just like I had done when Ada told me he had been caught stealing by a copper and they wanted to take him off the streets. The urge to kill that policeman and Chester Campbell was high. But now I couldn't kill anyone for hurting Fievel. Cause I was the one that hurt him. "Fuck!" I screamed and ran towards him. I tried putting my revolver back in my pocket but it wouldn't work with me and kept missing the holster. I yelled out in anger and threw the gun away in frustration. I turned back at Fievel and pulled him to my chest and applied pressure on the bullet wound. I felt him grab a hold of my arm. "No. No. I'm sorry" I breathed out trying to apologize for my behaviour. His blue eyes that once were so bright blue were now a dull grey looked up at me. "Thank you" he weakly said before his eyes slowly closed. "No. Don't you dare say that" I told him with much fear. I looked around for someone that could help. But there was no one in sight. "Fievel!" I cried out shaking him to get him to stay awake, "stay awake". But it was no help cause his eyes closed and his head fell lifeless against my chest. I cursed underneath my breath before picking him up from the ground and running straight towards Watery Lane.

(Polly's P.O.V.)
I was in the kitchen preparing some tea. Then suddenly the front door burst open. "Can we not slam the door-" I called out but immediately stopped when I saw Tommy carrying a lifeless Fievel in his arms. "Clear the table" he told me in an urgency, "What the hell did you do?" I asked him in anger as I cleared the table for him. He ignored me and laid Fievel down on the table and I instantly saw blood covering both Fievel's and Tommy's chests. Filly's head weakly fell to the side. "Remove his shirt" I ordered Tommy. He did what I told him while I grabbed a cloth and the first aid kit. I turned back to Fievel and Tommy handed me a bottle of alcohol. I poured it on the cloth before moving to the wound on his chest. I cleaned his wound and in his unconscious state he still winced in pain. "The hell happened to him?" I heard Arthur asked when he walked inside with John close behind him. "Shut up and grab me some tweezers" I told him and pointed at the first aid kit. The wound was cleaned with blood and Arthur handed me the tweezers. "Hold him. I don't want him to move while I'm taking out the bullet" I ordered the brothers. They all nodded. I started to get the bullet out and he woke up because of the pain. A deafening scream ripped from his throat and he tried sitting up. But the brothers held him down. Pain contoured on his face and he gasped in pain. He trashed around trying to get loose. "Easy, Fievel. You're going to be okay" Tommy comforted him. Fievel let out another unbearable groan before falling unconscious again. I let out a sigh of relief now that I could get the bullet out without causing any more pain. I pulled back and looked at the blood-stained bullet before placing it on the table. John handed me a bandage so I could wrap it up. I finished and leaned forward to caress Fievel's face gently to see how he was doing. His face was pale and started to go cold. Anger formed in my veins at the realization that he was not breathing. I then stood up and turned to face Tommy. He was sitting down and had poured himself a drink. "What did you do to him?" I growled at him while pointing at Filly. He only gave me an apologetic look but said nothing. I grabbed his glass and threw it at the wall behind him. He flinched away as the glass shattered behind him. "answer me, Thomas!". " I shot him, alright!" he screamed at me. My eyes went wide at his answer. He took a sharp breath and fear and guilt were written on his face. He then started to explain. Explain about the hate he expierenced when he saw Fievel by the cut. About Filly telling him to shoot him and that it was alright. How he wanted to die and that he would forgive him if Tommy did kill him. How Filly thanked him for shooting him. And the disgust he felt as he realized what he had done to Fievel. " I killed him.... All for some fucking money" he said and I could hear the guilt and sadness dripping from his tongue. "I.." he said but stopped. Clearly finding it hard as the tears filled his eyes. It has been a long time since the last time I've seen him like this. "I...Killed" he whispered, "I killed my boy". Silence filled the room apart from Thomas's his attempts to get air in his lungs while sobbing.

No one said a word

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No one said a word. Not wanting or daring to voice their opinion on the matter. I turned back towards Filly and walked up to him. I looked down as I began to stroke his hair while a tear travelled down my cheek.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I watched Polly stroke Filly's head as a tear ran down her cheek. I couldn't bear the sight of it as it made sick to my stomach and stood up to walk outside. As I arrived outside I immediatly puked. The guilt had consumed my brain like a sickely disease and was making me sick. But I deserved it. I fell to my knees and and leaned forward and hit the ground as I screamed out in anger. I sat back up and lifted my head up to the sky while closing my eyes tightly. My heart ached in pain as the memory of me pulling the trigger replayed in my mind. " Thomas! Tommy!" I heard my older brother Arthur yell out. I turned to face him. "He's awake"

Published: 5th of december 2021

Requested update by: awesome3600

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