Never a part of

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(Filly's P.O.V.)
I lifted my head up as the door in front of me opened up. I saw officer Vergreen stand in the door opening. As time passed me and Vergreen started getting along quite well actually. "Your time's up" he told me with a quiet voice, "you're free to go, Shelby". I sighed and stood up from the bed I grew accustomed to over the past couple of months before walking towards officer Vergreen. "You - dont seem - happy?" He said in a more questioning manner. "Should I be? Cause I really dont know" I scoffed and shook my head as we continued the walk. "Oh come on" he said trying to cheer me up, "you can see your family again". "I dont think Im part of that family anymore. Doubt I ever was part of it anyway" I chuckled but you couls still hear the hurt in my voice. The two of us arrived at reception where I would get my stuff back. "Here you go" the receptionist said and put my stuff on the countertop. I grabbed my coat and pulled it on.

The coat smelled like my father, I mean Mr Shelby

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The coat smelled like my father, I mean Mr Shelby. I looked back at the countertop to grab the rest of my belongings. A pack of cigarette's, a pocket watch and some money. Then I stared down at the peaked cap with the razorblades. I felt my hand shake but I got it back in control as soon as I lifted it up to grab it. I stuffed the cap in the pocket of my jacket before thanking the two men and walking out. The door closed behind me and I took in a deep breath of the air. I took in a deep breath before making my way towards Watery Lane. I forced myself to go to the house because there was one special thing that was still there. It was a photograph of my mother holding me as a newborn. It was the only thing that I have left of her. As I neared the house that I grew up in for some years, my mind started to race with so many different scenarious. Some good, some bad. I stopped once the house came into few. I let out a breath that I didnt know I was holding when I noticed there was no car in front of the house. I dugg into my pocket to retrieve the house keys. I opened the door and walked inside. There was no one home and I felt relief wash over me. I snapped myself out of state and went straight to my room. I quickly opened the door and started to look for the photograph. I looked through the sock draw, the bedside table and in the boxes underneath the bed. I let out a soft excited gasp as I found my beloved mother. I kissed the picture before crawling from underneath the bed. I stood up and immediatly stopped moving when I heard the front door open and muffled voices followed. I slowly turned my head towards the bedroom door. I slowly stood up and watched the door as I listened. Footsteps walked up the creaky stairs and across the old floorboard towards the room I was in. Some of us know who the footsteps belong to that come up the stairs in our own homes. I know who these footsteps belong too and I waited for the person to arrive. My eyes furrowed as he stepped into the doorway. "Hello Fievel" Dad greeted me with a smile. "Dont" I told him with a broken voice. "Dont what?" He asked confused. "Forget it" I whispered and walked past. "Fievel" he said with a stern voice. He was ordering me to stop but I ignored him and walked down the stairs. "Fievel!" He now yelled after me. I saw the rest of my former family and froze for a second. Polly showed me a pityfull look that made me stay just a bit to long. I felt a hand grab my wrist and instantly I twisted my arm around. I turned my body around and grabbed dad's neck before slamming him against the wall. "Do not - touch - me" I growled at him with pure anger. My eyes glowing with anger. I let go of him and gave the rest of the family a look before I left. "Walk through that door, Fievel, and you wont ever be part of this family anymore" dad yelled after me, "Thomas!" Polly scolded at him. My jaw clenched before I turned around. "Yeah, well. I was never part of your family anyway. I was a fucking pawn in your game!" I yelled back at him. He was taken back by my statement. "Yes. That's right" I said and stepped forward to him "I know. I know all about it. You only took me in because a street kid is easier to get rid of when the work is done. And now that the work is done Im just an inconvenience to you". "Thats not true" dad said trying to change my mind. I scoffed in disbelief. "Then explain to me why you didnt come and see me while I was IN FUCKING PRISON!" I yelled at them. They all stayed silent, Arthur and John even looked away from my eyes. I turned back to face Tommy. "I looked up to you. Wanted to be just like you" I said and walked closer to him, "I loved you more than anything in this world. And that was awfully foolish of me. Cause none of you returned that". I turned around and walked out of the house.

Published: 22nd of october 2021

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