The end of ......

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Ever since the day that man occupied the earth. There has been wars. From the Trojan wars, to Civil wars. From wars that where meant to libirate countries to the world wars. Now the question is, why am I talking about a war? Because the dispute between me and Richard Tran is nothing like a war. It doesn't even come close. Thousand or even millions of lives will not be lost in this 'war'. But it started the same, just on a smaller... Way smaller scale. A war starts because there is one person who decides they want more. They may have different opinions on what they want. May it be for economical gain. Taking anothers wealth. Or will it be territorial gain? Taking someones land for more living space. Sometimes religion and nationalism play a role. There is no final victory, as there is no final defeat. There is just a battle to be fought over and over again. But as I laid on the ground ready for an ambush in the dence and misty forest in dark, I am once again reminded of fighting in a war. To my left and right I hear the fallen leafs softly crunch underneath my men's bodies as they shift carefully. I feel my heartbeat slowly start to beat faster at the anticpation of the upcoming battle. They say that some soldiers can never go without a war, they have to fight. Well, I would like to be the one that doesn't have to fight to live. But it seems that the fighting life follows me everywhere and I cannot get rid of it. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of hooves disrupting the peace. Yet none of us feared this sound. It was all part of the plan, Fievel's plan.

(Filly's P.O.V.)
I had finally reunited with my mare, Feisty Filly. I stroked my hand through her thick mane. "Just one more fight, girl. Then we are free" I whispered to the mare as I looked down at the village. I took in a deep breath to settle my adrenaline before spurring Feisty Filly on. We galloped towards the village arriving in the cobblestone streets. I pulled the reins stopping Feisty Filly in front of the familiar house. The red bricked house occupied by Richard Tran. "Come out here and fight, Tran!" I screamed loudly. It did not take long before the man himself stepped outside, followed by his loyal henchmen. "I don't want you, Sawyer. I want Shelby" he growled at me, "you're never going to call me by real name are you? And technically, I am still a Shelby by law" I shrugged simply. "Then I'll kill you first, Fievel Shelby". "I much rather catch up. You know do some father-son bonding, you know. Like playing catch" I told him. He looked confused at me. I had quickly pulled something out the inside pocket of my coat. The oval shaped grenade fitted perfectly in my hand as my fingers gripped it. Before he could register what I was planning. I threw the grenade towards him. Like I had suspected he caught it. His face got struck with fear and he threw the grenade away while screaming "clear!". I watched them all dive for cover just as the grenade went off. I laughed loudly before turning the mare around and galloping away. "Get him!" Richard ordered in pure anger at his men. I looked over my shoulder and saw all of them get in their cars and follow me. "They are on our tail girl. Let's burn their fuel" I chuckled and we went faster. I smirked as the forest came into my vision. Arriving inside the dense forest I got off my mare. I patted her neck. "See you soon. Now get out of here. Go". After she left, I turned around and faced the way the sounds of the cars came from. The air around me went silent. Even the animals in the forest didn't dare to make a sound. I watched Richard and his men walk up to me, all with guns in their arms. "Your little grenade trick was cute. But now you are outgunned" he said with a sinister smile, "who said I was outgunned?" I said before whisteling and out come every Blinder with guns raised. And Tommy and his brothers walked up behind me.

"Now who is outgunned?" I laughed and motioned to everyone around me

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"Now who is outgunned?" I laughed and motioned to everyone around me.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
Fievel was smart. He knew exactly that we could outnumber them. They may have more guns but ours are more powerfull. So like Fievel had said "we make the decision of when the fight is and where. Not them". That's how you win. He also thought of ways to win that I would never have considered. It was not a Peaky Blinder way of fighting and I liked that we suddenly became unpredictable. As I looked at Tran, I saw the emotion of anxiety run across his face. He frantically looked around, for a way out. But where ever he looked there was a Blinder with a gun pointed to his face. "You don't have to fight. You all have a choise" Fievel said loudly to Richard's men, "you can step back from being under Mr Tran's orders. You step away, and you won't be hurt. You will be able to go back home, to your families. But if you so decide to fight alongside him. You will die tonight". He looked every man in their eyes after he gave them their choice. Slowly, one by one, the men left Richard Tran's side and stepped towards our side. Untill there was none of them left. "You traitors!" Tran screamed as his men and spit flew out his mouth. But the realisation of defeat soon hit him as he fell down to his knees. "It's over. You can't win now" I told him. He shook his head and slowly looked up at us. "No". "No I will not be defeated by a child!" he yelled. He got up and drew his gun before firing it off towards Fievel. Before I could even react Fievel's body flinched away as the bullet hit him in the shoulder. "You bastard!" I yelled towards Richard and drew my gun to kill him. I didn't even get a chance of pulling my trigger because the sound of another gun being fired of filled the air. Blood formed on Richard Tran's forehead and the life drained from his eyes before he fell forward to the ground. Instantly I turned around to see who had shot and I was met with a sight I never wanted to see. Fievel had his gun raised up and a faint cloud of smoke left the revolver indicating he was the one who took the shot. But instead of seeing the 18 year old Fievel, my brain had teicked me into seeing the little 5 year old Filly. The one that I had seen sleeping in Charlie's yard. The one who loved marshmellows and cookies. The small boy who loved to play cops and robbers. But now he was holding a gun. After blinking a few times the little boy and returned into the 18 year old with the most emotionless expression on his face. It made me realize how quickly, my little boy grew up and I whished he could return to bis 5 year old self and redo his life. Maybe then I could've been better. He sighed and lowered his gun before turning around and walking away from everyone.

The next day

Polly stood next to me as we watched Fievel saddle his horse. After he finished he turned to us and smiled before giving me a smile nod in appreciation. He got on the mare and clicked his tongue telling her to move. She obeyed and walked forward towards the road that laid at the end of my driveway. I decided that Fievel could make his own desicions. I had told him, I could let him go if that's what he wanted. Thats exactly what he did, he left. "You think he'll return?" Polly asked for my opinion. I looked towards the gate where Fievel had now arrived and as he took a left to go God knows where, I replied to her "Only one person knows the answer to that question, Polly. But I'll be standing right here if he decides to return".

Published: 8th of April 2022

Requested by: awesome3600

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