Charles Strong

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Scared and abandoned my world is very small. I don't know much happiness or joy. The only time this occurs is when my stomach is filled a little or when I feel safe and warm. Neglected and forsaken. Constantly kicked, abused and beaten my trust in people is completely gone.

Today the abuse had occured again. Some teenagers. I was left bloodied, bruised and scared out of my mind once again. I felt the blood roll over my cheek and I wiped it off before I pushed myself of the dirty ground. I scattered to a corner between two buildings and huddle myself as far inside of the wall as I could. I wrapped my arms around myself and felt a tear stream down my face and clean some of the blood. Before I fell tiredly and painfully asleep.

The rain woke me up. I groaned annoyed and shivered. I opened my eyes and looked up at the night sky and squinted my eyes as drops of rain landed on my face. I sighed and got up, I had to find a warm and safe place for tonight. Pain shot through my side as I got up. I started to wander around for a safe and warm place. I wrapped my arms around myself and tried getting warmer, but I was just getting more and more wet from the rain. I looked around for a bit when suddenly I heard a horse whinny. I turned around to look for the source of the sound. A horse means a stable which is normally warm. I slowly walked around, hoping for the horse to make another sound but he or she never did. I stopped when I saw a sign.

Charles Strong LTD
Scrap Metals
Small Heath


heard stories about this place. Good and bad, so I don't know which story to believe. I walked around the yard, I saw loads of metal and some other useless stuff. But something caught my eye. "Straw?" I whispered coaksing my head to the side. I followed the trail. It disappeared behind a door of what seemed like some sort of barn. I hesitated to open it. A lot of what if questions ran through my head. What if there are people in there? What if they want to hurt me? What if it's a safe place? Just a lot of what if's. I gulped and looked around one more time to see if anyone was in the boat-yard. Just a lot of silence and darkness surrounded me. I turned my head back at the door and raised my hand to push it open. I slowly looked around petrified for a person to be there, but there was no one. Only this white horse, he was probably the one making the call. "Atleast it's dry" I whispered to the horse. I carefully sat down because I was still in pain. I groaned and struggled as I laid down in the straw near the white horse. I talked to him for some time before I once again fell asleep.

The next morning

(Tommy's P.O.V.)

I was walking up to Charlie and Johnny Dog. Finn had come to see me and told me that they wanted to see me. I was worried that it had to do with the horse. Charlie was smoking as he was leaning against the wood from the building where my horse is. Johnny Dog was quite nervous. "So?" I asked wanting to know why I was asked to come. "Don't look at me" Charlie said shaking his head at me as he took another hit of the cigarette. I looked over at Johnny Dog with a raised expression. "Just be quiet" he said as he carefully pushed the door open. I walked through the door and was met with a sight that you normally wouldn't see. I raised my eyebrow as I looked down at a kid laying in the straw with a blanket over him. "I told Johnny Dog to put the blanket over the kid and let him sleep" Charlie said. The kid looked familiar. He moved around and I saw his face clearer due to the blanket moving away from his face. He was the child who had befriended my black stallion. His face was heavily bruised and had blood all over it. Poor kid probably got beaten up. I could tell he had cried because there were dried up tear stains. He probably cried because it hurt, the cuts and bruises look like it fucking hurts. I leaned down and pulled the blanket back over his shoulder. I snapped myself out of my trance when he suddenly opened his eyes and scooted back on his butt. He held the blanket in front of him as a form of protection and shivered. I put my hands up to tell him that we don't mean harm. But I could tell by his expression he didn't care. His fear for people was to big. To be honest I wouldn't blame him. "What's your name?" I heard Johnny Dogg ask from behind me. The boy looked from me to Johnny Boy, to Charles and back to me with a wide and frightened eyes. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know how. Before I could even try getting his trust he darted away. "Get him!" I yelled as I tried grabbing his arm but I missed. The kid was to smart for us. He confused Charles by moving from left to right and back to left. He was to fast for Johnny Dogg. He had dived underneath him before running away once again. But this time in the darkness. "Fuck!" I yelled annoyed. I groaned and looked at the other two males. "Family meeting at 10 AM . You two are coming as well" I sneered at them before walking away. I don't know how but I will make sure this kid won't ever have to live on the streets again.

Published: 10th of July 2020.

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