We will hunt you down

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(Ada's P.O.V.)
I held Filly's hand as we walked back to his home. We walked through this little market. I stopped when I saw this little shop that was selling sweets and chocolates. I looked at Filly. He still had this defeated and scared look on his face as he looked down at the ground, to hide his face. The cut on his lip and his nose have stopped. The cut near his eye was starting to bruise. So I think it will be okay if I cheer him up with some sweets or chocolate. I shook his hand and he looked up at me. "You want some chocolates and sweets to have when we get home?" I asked as I pointed to the market stand. He smiled a weak smile at me and nodded before saying "yes please" with the softest voice ever. I chuckled and asked for some chocolates and sweets. The owner put our stuff in a bag and handed it to us.

Once we arrived at my second oldest brother's house, the both of us went to the kitchen. We sat at the table and I gave some chocolate and sweets to Fievel. He was still quiet even when I was trying to cheer him up. I sighed when I saw that he hadn't cheered up. "Good afternoon, Ada" I heard Tommy say behind me. "Tommy there is something-" I started to talk about what happened at school with Filly. but was cut of by Filly. "Daddy!" He screamed as he stood up and ran past me towards Tommy. I nervously bit my lip. Tommy was going to flip as soon as he saw Filly's face. As Filly falled down in his dad's arms he started to cry. Tommy shushed him and patted his back. Soon Tom pushed him away from him so he could see his face. I could immediatly see Tom's face turn into anger.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I stood up from my squatting position and Filly quickly clung onto my leg as some small tears streamed down his bruised face. He wasn't crying that hard anymore, only some lost tears. I looked towars Ada because she was the one who picked him up. "What happened to his face? Did it happen at school?" I asked with a low voice that had anger lingering in it. She started to explain to me what she thought that happened and then told me what Mr Walker told her. Instinctly my fists clenched hard. I bent down and picked Filly up before turning around to grab his cap and put it on him. He gave me his sweet toothy smile. I turned around and walked to the door. "Where you goin'?" Ada asked as I heard her follow us to the hallway. I stayed silent because I am pretty sure she knows where I am going. I walked over the streets still with Filly in my arms. By the look on everyones face and the way they stepped out of my way, they knew that someone was going to pay for hurting my son. As we walked past the bettingshop Polly stopped me. She wanted to ask something but as soon as she saw my pissed off look and Fievel's face, she growled. "I'm convinced it happened at school" I told her. "Very well" she said and turned around and walked in the direction of the school. Guess she is going with us. We arrived at Fievel's school and I felt him tightly wrap his arms around me neck. I felt bad now for making him go to this school. I put Filly down and he looked up at me with sad puppy eyes. I smiled at him and held my hand out so he could hold that. But he stepped behind me and held onto my dress coat. Making him not visible for people standing in front of me. I walked inside, feeling a resistance from Filly but I could still walk with ease. "Oh.. good afternoon Mr Shelby and Mrs Gray" I heard Mr Walker call out to me. The two of us nodded a greeting back at him. "Can I help you with anything?". "We want to have a talk with you" I said and stepped aside so he could see Filly. I watched Mr Walker gulp softly before looking back up at me. "Follow me". We followed the principal to his office. He sat down in his chair behind his desk and me and aunt Pol sat at the two chairs at the other side of the desk. Fievel walked in front of Polly and climbed onto her lap. With his face on her chest, hiding himself from the world. "You wanted to speak to me?" Mr Walker asked. I nodded at him while grabbing a joint to light it. "We don't smoke in here, Mr She-" I cut him off, "well I fucking do". The room fell quiet as I took hits from my cigarette and stared him down, making him uncomfortable. Only Fievel made some soft sounds as he played with Polly's hands. "Shelby Limited has helped this school out of debt and gave you funding. Sadly I have to inform you that your funding will be with drawn" I said and stood up. "Wait! You can't do that. You have no right" he yelled at me. "Oh he does have the right" Polly snapped at him. "Since when?" He yelled and slammed his fist on the desk. His yelling made my anger boil over and I snapped.

"You see his face? The black eye? The cut lip? The bruised cheek?" I yelled and pointed at Fievel's bruised face

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"You see his face? The black eye? The cut lip? The bruised cheek?" I yelled and pointed at Fievel's bruised face. Mr Walker nodded at me "yes, sir". "I can garuantee you that he didn't have a bruised face when she took him to school!" I yelled at him. "You are suggesting that it happened here?" He asked, "I'm not suggesting it. I am telling you". It went silent for a while. I eventually took a deep breath and looked at Filly for a moment. He was hugging Polly and shaked because me and Mr Walker are yelling at each other. I grabbed a hold of him and hugged him closely to my body. "Fievel Shelby will not attend to this school anymore" I said and turned around with Polly right behind me. "You can't do that-" Mr Walker was cut off by Aunt Pol who held a small knife against his throat. This made him sit back down in his chair while she looked down at him. "If this school hurts our Fievel ever again. We will hunt you down like a wild game. And I will personally do things to you that will make Ted Bundy look like Mother Theresa" she threatend. She pricked him on the cheek with the small knife to make her final warning before saying

 She pricked him on the cheek with the small knife to make her final warning before saying

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Published: 17 october 2020

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