chapter -6

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"Jen?? What do you want to eat??" Mina came and asked jennifer

"Any-anything will be okay" jennifer said while fake smiling

"Okay then wait" Mina said and went to buy something for everyone

Jennifer's phone again ringed notifying someone is calling her.

"Why don't you pick up the call Jen?? It's,now, the second ring...there must be something important" Lucas said , giving a confused look

Jennifer didn't wanted to pick up the call. She knew she can't even ignore the call ,for long. She was just staring at the phone screen

Jennifer's palm and forehead was all sweaty. She had some kind of fearful look on her face. Which didn't went  unnoticed by Lucas.

"Is there something wrong Jen?? you know you can tell us" Lucas softly said these words to jennifer but she wasn't looking at ease, at all.

"Nothing is wrong Lucas"

"Well why it doesn't seems like tho"

"I am tell---" she stops in the midway in her eyes go wide . Not that fearful look becomes more obvious . She started shaking.

"Are you okay Jen??" Lucas asked her after looking at her stage

" L-lets go f-from here!!" She said while stuttering badly

"Huh?? Why?? We haven't went to Ferris wheel yet.."  Mina said while coming towards them , after buying food for them.

"I-i am not f-feeling well...p-please c-can we just g-go home"

"Okay wait atleast let's just ride the last ride then we'll go Jen... You come with us" Lucas said to relax jennifer but it didn't worked

Lucas's POV

I know something is wrong with her but what?? It seems like she is hiding something from us Or is it just me who is thinking like this...maybe she is not feeling well because of the restlessness  Ryan gave her. I  know she is just acting that she is okay but she is not.

I tried to relax her. She'll again cry once she reached at her home. I can't let her go home like this,we need to chear her up or all day would be a waste.

"Jen... Look this dumbass wants to ride Ferris wheel so badly let's go hmm??
I tried to calm her down but she looks like she is getting more and more panic

End of POV

Third person's POV

Jennifer's phone again ranged , by this time she was already panic and unable to think straight.

" Jen...just pick up the call it maybe important" Mina said looking irritated by the call

Even jennifer can't ignore the phone call this time. And she knows it very well . She is left with no choice then to pick up the call.

Jennifer went a little far from her friends

On the phone:

"So you got some nerves isn't??"  The person from the other side said

"I-I was w-with m-my fri-friends"

"I can see that..... enjoying huh?? Well does it means you forgot what I told you huh??"

"N-no p-please leave me" she starts to shiver badly and her tears starts flowing

" Come at the back of the food shop, at your right side" The stern voice came from the other side, making jennifer flinch

"No p-please" jennifer starts to cry in fear

" SHUT UP YOU WITCH!!!..come now" the person growled

With that the phone hung up

Jennifer wipes her tears off , Set herself and fake smiled before moving towards her friends

"What happened?? Who called??" Mina asked

"No one...just a friend....umm guys A-As you know I-I am not feeling g-good so I can't go with you g-guys on the r-ride" jennifer said while faking smile but somehow her face was telling a different story.

Something like .....there is something she is hiding . Her eyes were shouting and asking for help but only if someone was there read them.

"Jen are you sure?? It would be better if you would come with us" Mina said while looking worried

"No no I-I am guys go hmm??"

"If you say so....but stay here okay?" Lucas said with worried expression

Jennifer just nodded. Lucas and Mina went for the Ferris wheel ride. As they left she took the chance and starts moving towards where she had been told to come.

It's not like she wanted to go but she was being forced. Her head was down and she was fidgeting with her fingers, her movements were slow. As she reached to the distination a dark male voice welcomed her giving her shivers all over her body

"Haven't you take so much time?? Huh??" The guy said

"I-I am sorry"

" How pathetic....well you are looking so happy and you know I can't handle it ....or maybe god don't want you to be happy that's why coincidentally we met" he said with a huge disgusting smirk while leaning towards her face

"N-no p-please L-leave me"

"And you think I'll let you go" he grabs her hair as tightly as he can. Jennifer yelped in pain

"You don't know how satisfying is it to see you in pain miss jennifer" he chuckled after watching jennifer's terrified look

Her eyes were closed so tightly cuz she didn't wanted to see his face, her forehead had sweat drops ,Her tears were flowing non stop and she was in pain as he was grabbing her hairs so tightly.

"Well it's your fault . You crossed my way today and made me so irritated so bear it" he casually said and throws jennifer on the ground and before going he kicked her on her stomach.

She groaned in pain but no one was there to listen her in the noise. She cried so hard even if she didn't wants to her tears were flowing, she was chocking on her tears.

Now that he is gone she tried to get up . Clean the dirt on her clothes and wipes off her tears. Her eyes were red and puffy that's why she bow down her head so that her friends couldn't see her face.

As she was going to turn .A familiar voice stopped her in her way of hiding tears

"Jen??? Y-you"

"M-mina....Lucas" jennifer said

She saw Mina was in tears and Lucas was in pure anger and disappointment.

Jennifer guessed that they saw everything

"Mind telling me miss jennifer" Lucas said, making a fist to control his anger.

He dragged her to the car and they all drive to Jennifer's place. The whole drive was silent just Jennifer's and Mina's sobs can be heard. As they reached Lucas then took jennifer to her room calmly so her parents wouldn't get to know

"Explain!!!!and I just want the truth"Lucas slammed the door

"It all started w-when----


What is the reason that our jennifer get into this trouble ??

How will they come out of this??

Will Ryan get to know about this?? Does he even care??

I hope you guys like it

If there is any suggestions regarding the stroy then you guys can give 😅

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Thnx for reading the story ♥️♥️

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