「Xiao」 ~Father's day special~

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So just to get this out of the way right now.
▪The ice flowers in this story aren't cannon. It's just something I made up for genshin because I love flowers and I want a cryo vision. Anything that has to do with it is just for the sake of the story.
▪I use Baba as a way to say Father in this fic because I thought why not but if I used it wrong
just tell me and sorry.
▪I used a combination of tsundere and aloof Xiao in this one.


You finally got to the top of Jueyun Kurst taking a deep breath of fresh air before screaming on top of your lungs.

"XIAO GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HERE BEFORE I ATE ALL OF YOUR TOFU INCLUDING THE ONES YOU THINK YOU HIDE FROM EVERYONE. YES I KNOW THEY ARE ALL IN-" you screamed not caring who hears you but as you wished the young yaksha appeared before you hitting you with his pole arm.

"What in the archons were you thinking?" He asks, clearly irritated at how you called him to where you am currently.

"Well I knew you wouldn't have come-" you explain but he cuts you off "because you always call me for some reason that isn't urgent or dangerous." he finishes while you pout.

"Well sorry but I do have a good reason to-"

"I doubt that."

"But you didn't even hear-"

"I heard enough when you said you would eat all my almond tofu."

"I only said that to get you here-"

"You. Said. You. would. Eat. my. Almond. Tofu." He looks at you glaringly as he grips his pole arm. You look away whistling as if you did nothing wrong and you didn't say anything pertaining to his almond tofu.

'This guy and his almond tofu obsession though.. I mean it's cute but also.. Eh, how can I say no to this handsome yet pretty adeptus?'

You hear a sigh "So? What did you need me for? Might as well ask." Xiao asks, sounding defeated looking at you for answers.

"Well so.. First I need you to make a contract with me stipulating that you will help me with whatever I ask of you-" you say finally facing him, he looks at you for a few seconds before trying to dash away from you.

"OH NO YOU DON'T!" you screamed, activating your cyro vision freezing his legs, ice forming what looks like flowers and vines wrapping around his legs pulling him to you again.

He growls and you look at him weirdly, "Hey is what I ask that bad?" you ask him now curious why he avoids you.

"Yes, remember how you and Hu Tao had my attention for a day and you made me dress up as a female saying 'Xiao you look pretty so let's see how pretty you can be as a girl. Don't worry we got you the prettiest Hanfu to put on you' and ever since then I know better than to allow you to dictate what I do." He answers, making you realize what he is saying and laughing awkwardly as you remember doing that.

"In my defence I was drunk and it was mostly Hu Tao's idea?" you try to reason with the now irritated and angry adeptus. Xiao stays silent as you sigh, setting him down and making the ice shatter disappearing like the snow melting in spring.

"Can you at least listen to my idea? If you don't like it then you can go.." you tell him sitting down on the ground with your hands up showing him that you mean no harm. He stares at you for a good minute before sitting down across from you.

"Glad you decided to listen! So.. today is Father's Day.. and well.. I was thinking maybe I'd help you out by teaching you how to make a flower crown made out of Xingqin flowers and glaze lilies.. Especially since well.. Been pranking you too much and it's making me feel guilty." you explain looking at the ground not being able to look up at his face due to the fact that you really did feel guilty.

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