One: The Table Read

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After watching the reunion special so many times and rewatching friends (again) I can't help but be inspired to write a jenvid story!! So sorry if there's some grammar issues bare with me please I haven't written something to be posted before ahah. I hope you all enjoy (:

As tradition continued for the third season the table read for the next episode is set to happen. The table read that both Jennifer and David hated but frankly don't want to admit. Having received the scripts a few days prior they flipped through it separately in their homes but called each other as soon as they read the ending.

The ending of Ross and Rachel.

"David, it will be fine right? The taping the episode.. It's just the fans love this couple so much and i-"

"Sweetie, listen. It'll be fine. We will be fine and the fans will stay with the story."

"But this is the end.."

"It might be."

When David said those words last night Jennifer could feel her heart break. If things in their world would keep them apart at least on screen they would be together. But even then it was just impossible.



"Hmm, yea sorry. Just looking through it again."

"Nothing will change this okay?"

Jen just nodded as if David could see her.

Arriving to the studio felt longer than it ever could have. But why is she feeling this way? Jennifer still can't understand why. The couple is fictional. Fake. Something that exists only on screen. Right?

She was the last one to get to the studio and everyone there was already engaged in conversation. Things are always moving which put a smile on her face.

"Jen! Finally!" Matthew came up to her.

"Hi Matty, sorry woke up a little later than usual." She laughed it off.

"David got you a coffee, he just put it at your usual spot."

"Where is he?"

"Marta and David pulled him aside to talk about the episode." Jen just nodded. "You feeling okay Jenny?"

"Yea, just lack of caffeine the usual." She tried to laugh it off as a joke and thankfully he thought so too.

"Been there just wake up sooner rather than later this is yours and Schwimmer's episode."

Matthew left after that while she just walked aimlessly until the two girls found her. To which they also started talking about the episode. It's like she can't get away.

David was the first one to get to the studio knowing that Marta had texted him prior to come early for a conversation. Just the text alone brought him nerves but knowing that it was most likely to do with the creative direction of the episode since he had his own questions for the creators as to why the on screen couple of Ross and Rachel had to break up. He had been trying to understand it for himself and more importantly so he can explain it to Jennifer too. She also had been curious as to why this was happening.

Setting aside the coffee he got for everyone he heard Marta calling his name. After taking a deep breath he just followed the two backstage to talk.

"David we know you're worried and confused as to why this is being written. But.." Marta began.

"It's just needed, we want this show to be light hearted but still true to life in some way. There's no doubt we want Ross and Rachel to be together at the end of this show but just not right now. For the growth of the characters." David ended.

Deep down David understands this they can't stop the creators and the writers for doing this. Maybe just maybe it's something else in him that's making him not want Ross and Rachel to break up.

"I understand the choice. Jen and I last night were reading it over together and—"

"We spoke with Jen before you. We know she's equally confused if not more than you are but she also understands."

As they kept talking David just nodded thinking that maybe the only reason he wants the on screen couple to stay together is because this is the only reason how the two of them (Jen and him) can remain on screen together. With the feelings from the first season in the back of their minds. Just always in the back of their minds.

The table read was one of the hardest things to get through. The other four members of the cast knew that there was something in the air between Jennifer and David but no one bothered to say a word. Two actors who are normally the ones who are extremely talking with one another can now barely look at each other. David always looking at Jennifer every now and then but she just got through her lines monotone sipping her coffee in between. It was like the break up happened in real life between the two of them.

"Hey.." Courteney and Lisa walked up to Jennifer after the table read was over. "Are you doing okay?" Lisa asked also looking at David from the corner of her eye. He just shook his head at the boys and walked out.

"Just tired you know the beginning of the week." Jen noticed the look in their faces. "I'm okay I promise."

"If you say you are.." Courteney still doesn't believe her. "Just call us if you need anything."

"I'll see you two tomorrow." With a tight lipped smile Jennifer walked out and the boys joined Lisa and Courteney.

"Any luck with Schwim?" Lisa asked.

"Nothing." Matthew answered.

"You don't think they actually broke up.." Matt chimed in.

"For that to happen they need to.." Courteney said but stopped mid sentence. "They weren't together.. were they?"

"You're really asking that question Court?" Matthew laughed a little.

The four friends kept talking about Jennifer and David wondering what really happened or if it was just the script and knowledge that their characters were separating.

"So what are you avoiding me now?" David was leaning against Jennifer's car waiting for her.


"Just because our characters are going through something doesn't mean we are right?" David questioned again.

Jen didn't say anything. David came closer to her and she just stood there until he hugged her tightly. No words were being said between them but they didn't need anything to be said. It was just how they are. They understood each other.

"Man it's going to be hard filming this isn't it?" Jen sighed her voice being muffled as she is still clinging onto David. He just kissed the top of her head.

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