Three: Filming Part 1.

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I'm not gonna lie I had a hard time writing this chapter and the part 2 (which I'm currently on). I promise all the sad parts will be worth it I just need to get through the filming pieces for my actual plot line to continue!! For this chapter I was listening to "A Little More by Alessia Cara" which describes my entire inspiration for the chapter so feel free to listen as you read. The parts in italics are !!made up!! flashbacks.

As always feel free to let me know your thoughts, if any of you have twitter feel free to follow me too at @dawnszulueta <33 Happy reading (:

"Would Rachel give Ross another chance after seeing that list?" The Entertainment Tonight reporter asked Jennifer and David.

"Would she? I don't know David?" Jennifer turned to the man next to her and giggled.

"One of these interviews you'll have to answer the question." David looked at Jen and then turned back to the reporter. "We can't really say anything but I want Rachel to forgive Ross."

"So do I. But, he needs to work for it." Jennifer replied.

"What does Ross need to do? Grovel?"

"Grovelling works. Explaining why the list was made also helps." David and Jennifer just turned to each other.

"Clearly America's on screen couple hopefully will remain." The reporter continued. "The chemistry between you two is really something."

"It's easy. I mean Jen is beautiful clearly but both inside and out. I think ever since the first season we've always had an instant friendship. Which I guess translates to the chemistry people see on screen." David answered. "Jen?"

"David looks a lot like my high school sweetheart. So channeling that adoration and love that Rachel has for Ross is easy. But like what David mentioned its the friendship we had from the start. I mean all six of us are very fortunate to have this bond so when I look at David and smile or laugh its genuine."

"Last time I was at Stage 24 specifically to interview you both it was when Rachel found out about Ross' list. The list comparing Julie and Rachel." The reporter stated. Jennifer and David sat next to each other in front of the cameras. "But a lot has changed since then. Ross and Rachel became a couple and truly have grown as individuals. David what was your first thought when you saw in your scripts that this couple would be a on screen reality?"

"In one word? Happy." Jen couldn't help but smile lightly at that.

"Jennifer how about you?"

"I can't describe in just one word I bet." David looked at her and laughed. "I'm one of the biggest fighters for Ross and Rachel. So when I saw a relationship coming it made me feel happy for my character. She finally is getting the love she had wanted. The love she hoped to achieve."

David couldn't help but stare at Jennifer in that moment as the interviewer asked Jennifer more specific followup questions to her answer. It's like hearing her say that hit something else within him. He knows what Jennifer thinks about their characters but he has never heard her say anything like that.

"David?" The reporter turned to him shaking the man out of his thoughts and that's when Jen noticed he was staring at her.

"Sorry what was the question?"

"Over at ET (Entertainment Tonight) we got the copy of the episode that is airing this week. The episode where Rachel initiates a break between her and Ross. Jen touched a bit on her thoughts if this is the end for Ross and Rachel.. What are your thoughts?"

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