Seven: Olive Branches

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Flashbacks are in this chapter!! Congrats to the friends cast and to everyone part of the Friends: The Reunion I AM SO PROUD IT GOT NOMINATED FOR FOUR EMMYS!! Yes, I'm thinking about jenvid moments on the red carpet (,: Enjoy this update until next time

**let me know what you think either here or on twitter hehe**

It was the first time all six actors were sitting around the table together ready to read out the pilot episode. The six actors who's lives would change forever but their mindsets still hoping that this show wouldn't be canceled after the first few episodes. Marta Kauffman, David Crane, and Kevin Bright, all telling them the premise of the show and just watching their six actors bring the words to life.

As the reading progressed it became clear for everyone that all of them were perfectly cast. There was not one person that didn't fit the role. As if you were to close your eyes and imagine the characters it would be these actors. Going to the last scene of the pilot the creators stopped them.

"Now David and Jennifer this last scene we're still working through it. If it doesn't sound right just bear with us for now, we'll have the revised version out to everyone tomorrow." David Crane mentioned to which David and Jennifer just nodded getting ready to read the words.

Sitting across the table from each other David and Jennifer made eye contact before Jennifer motioned for him to start the scene from where they left off.

"You know you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you." David said to which earned a small laugh from everyone sitting and a smile from Jennifer.

"I knew."

"You did! Oh... I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother." Jennifer just smiled again at how David was portraying the lines. All three producers staring at the small gestures being made between the two actors in front of them. The four actors looking at how Jennifer just couldn't wipe the smile off her face while looking at David.

"I did." Jennifer laughed although she didn't know why. David did the same out of the reaction of seeing Jennifer giddy.

"Oh. Listen, do you think- and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here- but do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe?" It was the way he said those words that made the three producers know that maybe there wouldn't need to be a revision of this script. Just maybe. On Jennifer's part she felt some butterflies in her stomach hearing those words and as well that David just stared at her with a soft smile while finishing his lines.

"Yeah, maybe..." That was all it took for Marta Kaufman to smile and look at her co creator David Crane. They didn't have anything to worry about because these two actors have something special. Even at the table read you can see it there was something there, which is rare for a first reading.

"I don't know about you Marta but I don't think that needs a rewrite at all." Courteney spoke up gaining a unison yes from the other three watching the scene unfold. "It feels like that unrequited love meeting again for the first time you know? It feels special which I don't know how you two pulled that off because wow you both are great actors." She complimented Jennifer and David.

"We agree with you Courteney. It looks like this script doesn't need any rewrites after all." Marta responded. "How about we call it a break then come back to block the episode after lunch?"

Everyone nodded and dispersed from the table except for the two actors that did the last scene. Courteney and Lisa waiting on the side lines if Jennifer will join them for lunch. Matthew and Matt went out for a bit to have a smoke break but had made plans with David. All six remembered what everyone keeps telling them. To keep the bond strong to which they will continue to do so with their respective girl and boy hangouts at lunch along with group get together like they had planned for later on that week after the premiere. However, David and Jennifer were talking to each other longer than expected which indicated to Courteney and Lisa that perhaps Jennifer will just join them later.

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