in spite of everything

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Month: I give up
Date: Shut up Vida
Year: Go die

Scotty Burns. Vida Burns. Mrs. Scotty Burns. Baby daddy. The love of my life. WHACK! "Stop dreaming of your loverboy who doesn't even know your name, nonetheless want to fuck you.", Ted said throwing a pillow at my face. "Tedddd. That's enough. It's not Vida's fault that she's invisible", Billy chuckled. Ted gave me a devilish smirk. "GUYSSSSS DINNERRRRR!!", Dad screamed from the other room. We all sat down at a round, four person table on the other side of the island. "So. What was going on in there?", Dad asked looking at Ted & I. "Why are we eating together? We never sit down & eat. It's 4:30. And you don't even cook Jack", I said trying to change the subject. "Vida wants to get her cherry popped by Scotty Burns.", Ted blurted out. Billy almost choked on his beer from laughing. "Ted, please explain to me, as well as the adults at the table, why you're such a pathetic asshole?", I asked, clenching my fist under the table. "Vida, knock it off! Now who's the boy-toy?", Dad asked, stabbing his fork into his ramen.


The first time I laid eyes on Scotty Burns was 5th grade. He sat behind me in my science class. He had nice chocolate brown hair with baby blue eyes & an adorable smile. He never noticed me of course, but I still always tried to make an excuse everyday to turn around just to see his face. Every school year, we'd have at least one class together. Over the years, he actually learned my name & would say 'hi' once in a while because we had one mutual friend, Brian. He was a junior at the time. You remember my bitchy dance instructor, yeah that's her son. Worst part is he'd be there all the time & always annoyed me. We had a brief fling in middle school & now people liked to refer to us as Jerry & Elaine on "Seinfeld".

Brian was born into a loud Italian family who expressed their emotions through some sort of art form. His mother was a dancer, clearly, & his father was a painter. His way into the family was the cello. He started when he was five & he played in the pit for some of our recitals.

"Looks like you're losing stamina again, V.", he'd grin. "Don't you have anything better to do like jerk-off or play video games.", I said, throwing my pointe shoes into my bag. "And don't YOU think watching girls in tights isn't attractive??", he asked sarcastically. "Oh my god, shut up!", I demanded. Brian just chuckled. "You seriously need to get a life.", I suggested. "Thanks for the tip, I'll think about it. You really should relax though, maybe your inner connection to God would help.", he said using his sarcastic hand motions. "I think we're Jewish actually.", I blurted, rolling my eyes & walking out the door. Brian was following me out as I was headed back to the bar. "What are you doing?" "Walking you home.", he responded. "Why?", I asked with confusion. All he said was "We live in New York, it's never safe".

We finally arrived at the bar when Ted was waiting outside, smoking a joint. "Hey love birds". We both flipped him off at the same time. "You should go. My dad'll get suspicious & think I'm having sex with you or something.", I warned Brian. He just smiled & walked off. "See ya Vida!"


The next day was Saturday & my best friend Kim came over. Kim was the kind of person who knew what she wanted & always spoke her mind. Even though she'd never had a serious relationship at that time, I always thought if she did look for a real thing, it'd be on a speed dating.

First question, "Do you like rollercoasters?"
The guy: "No, I'm not stupid!"
Her: "NEXT.."

"I don't know why you don't just get it over with. This isn't the 70's anymore, EVERYONE'S doing it.", Kim lectured. Kim's the kind of person who just comes over unannounced through your bedroom window while you're still sleeping. Then she'll wake you up to talk about her most recent crush. "So like I've been talking to Mr. B after class lately & he's really sweet. Did you know that he donates a fuck ton of money to cancer organizations??" I take the pillow out of my face. "I'm pretty sure lots of people do that, doesn't make him special." She threw her chips at my face. "Take that back, V. He's amazing.", she demanded. Kim's type is older men. Lately it's been teachers in our school.

You'd assume from my bedroom walls that I'd be similar. My room was covered with a whole bunch of dashing men at least ten years older than me. Matthew Perry, John Stamos, Rob Lowe, etc. Then again, I also had a random poster of Princess Diana. I loved her.

"I'm not losing my virginity to just anyone, Kim. I'm not you.", I scolded. She just rolled her eyes. Then, all of the sudden, Ted busted through the door with his idiotic friend. Kyle. "Kimmy's a whore?!" Ted asked, all excited. "Leave perv.", Kim hissed. Changing the subject, he stated, "That Brian dude's downstairs asking for both of you. Maybe it's an orgy." I pushed him past the door & headed down the steps. Brian was right by the doorway, giving me some kind of seductive grin.

"What do you want Brian?", I asked grouchy. "Get rid of the bed-headed attitude. We're going bowling.", he commanded. Kim & I looked at each other confused. Never once had Brian actually invited both of us out before. "The boys & I requested you to specifically.", he added. The boys???? Does he mean Scott? Scott wanted ME to come??!! I snapped out of it. "We'll go.", I confirmed. Kim gave me the death stare. "ViDa... I thought you weren't looking for anything right now.", she asked quietly. I never said that, bitch.

I changed into my best outfit that wasn't in my hamper. A black button down blouse & blue mom jeans. Kim ended up wearing a pair of my jean overalls & white T. This was my chance I thought to myself. Don't fuck it up Vida.

We got to the bowling alley & all of the boys were already there waiting outside. They all high-fived Brian like he was a god & just stared at Kim & I. "Didn't they want us here??", Kim asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders.

About ten minutes in, jamming out to "Runaround Sue", & I already felt like a complete loser. I ended up not getting a pair of shoes right away because they intimidated me. Ever since ballet became a priority of mine & not just a hobby, I'd been very sensitive about my feet. I hate feet. It may sound a little dumb or embarassing, but I couldn't go bare foot. It terrified me. I always had to have socks on or I felt like the monsters on the floor would get me. "COME ON VIDAAA!", Kim screamed as she rolled her ball down the aisle. Scott looked back at me. My heart almost stopped. Fuck this. I walked off heading to the counter to get a pair of shoes. The guy giving out shoes that day was weird. He looked like he either killed someone or just lived in his mother's basement in his 40's. "Can I get a pair of clown shoes?", I asked, feeling judged.


Dad always hated the idea of me hanging out with guys. Ever since I was little, I couldn't have a playdate with George Smith unless it was at Mom's or his place. Fucking Ted of course had to tell him about how I went bowling with Brian, Scott, & a whole group of dudes. Dad was pissed off. "Have them all come back to the bar afterwards.", he demanded. Right then I got a phone call from Ted. "Jack wants you & your little friends to come back to Billy's after bowling.", he said. I huffed. "What the hell did you do TED!?", I said with annoyance. "Just come!", he scolded.

After bowling, I basically convinced everyone to come back to the bar. Mainly because I promised them beer. "Broooooooo. I could go for a Corona or SOMEthing.", Connor whined walking into the bar. Dad turned around, rolling his eyes. All of the boys sat down in one of the booths while Kim & I walked over to Dad & Ted. "What's going on V??", Dad asked, trying to play it cool. "Uhhh, we went bowling Jack...", I responded. "SERVERRRRRR!!", Connor screamed. Dad walked over. "What?", he asked. Connor started playing the drums on the table. "Five Corona's pleaseeee.", Connor demanded. Dad chuckled. "You're funny, kid. No.", he stated. Connor started making weird, childish sounds. Dad grabbed a pad & pen from his back pocket. "Soda?", he asked. Brian nodded his head.

A few minutes later, Dad came back with five sodas & a thing of peanuts. "You know, if you snuck some vodka into my drink, I wouldn't tell anyone.", Connor offered. Dad slammed the drinks onto the table, leaving before Connor could say anything else. "I don't like the idea of you hanging around that scumbag, Vida.", he said walking over to me. I looked over Dad's shoulder, seeing Connor, stuffing peanuts up his nose. "Yeahhhhh. He's not my type.", I cleared up.

Later on, Dad came back, giving them the bill. "TWELVE DOLLARS????", Connor exclaimed with confusion. Billy laughed. "Yeah. 3 for food, 4 for drinks, & 5 for the attitude.", Dad said while sarcastically smiling.

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