opposites attract

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Month: Mrs.
Date: Natasha
Year: Winters

    My parents would occasionally sleep with each other throughout the years. Everytime they did it, they'd always say "This is the last time." or something along those lines. At this point, I just feel bad for them. It's obvious that Mom still & always will love him, but Dad just has this thing for sex & control. This whole thing started a couple years after they got divorced & Dad got out of jail. I shouldn't be complaining now because they used to fuck a lot more often.

    This one time when I ran away from them to hide & sulk, I came across my mother's journal in the storage room we had. The first date was two days after she found out she was getting married to Mr. Jack Winters.

Dear Journal,
Today I'm feeling lucky. My soon-to-be husband picked out the perfect ring for the perfect girl with the perfect baby on the way. I met Jack Winters on June 21st, 1978 at Coney Island. He had on a Led Zeppelin t-shirt with basketball shorts. My 14 year old self wanted him to finger me behind Sea Gate so badly. I  ended up masterbating for the first time that night.

I had to stop there because it grossed me out so much to hear my mother through my brain so dirty like that. I was ten the first time I read that. Whenever I felt lonely & insecure, I would end up reading another journal entry. It wasn't until I read the last entry where it all made sense to me that Natasha was down right depressed from Mr. Winters' actions.

Dear Journal,
Jack & I have been told since our proposal date that marriage is hard work. Very hard. It takes two to make a marriage work & stay together. Were we ready for that? Of course not. Was I willing to do everything to try? Fuck yes. I loved this man with my whole heart. The father of my child, Vida Elizabeth.

I knew from the moment we hooked up that he was big on fucking around. Playing sex games was his specialty. He'd want to do it everywhere; from the school bathroom, to the janitor's closet, all the way to our daughter's bedroom while she was sleeping. So what did I do? I played along. I shaved every part of my body for him. I came into his work with only a winter coat & some high heels on. I researched pornography tips on how to make your parnter cum faster. I'd let him tattoo his initials with hickeys on my body. But it came to the point where we needed to grow up. Vida needed us to grow up. Of course there was an occasional fuck or two, but I needed to get serious. Did Jack appreciate that? Hell no. Did he act on it? Sadly he did.

First it was his cousin's wife, then it was my hairdresser, & then it all just piled up to the point where neither one of us could keep track. So what happened next? I walked in on him fucking some prostitute in our bed. That's when I knew it was over. Goodbye Mrs. Winters, hello young, single motherhood.

    Mom hadn't written in there since Dad went to prison. Although, it was obvious that she never stopped loving him, no matter how much he hurt her. The night of the dance was different for the both of them. Dad ended up staying later than everyone who was there when we left. At first it was just drinks & talking on the couch. They were both tipsy before 9 PM, & it was getting tense.

    "I just don't understand why yoga is considered 'exercise'. All it does is make you more flexible so you can fuck your boyfriend more easily.", Dad went off as they were both laughing. Mom hit him on the shoulder. "It's more than just exercise. It's therapeutic in certain ways. It helps relax the mind & body & spirit.", Mom explained thoroughly. Dad just looked at her with judgement. "The mind, body, & spirit??? What are you a Buddhist now?", he joked. The room just went quiet for a while as Otis Redding's "I've Been Loving You Too Long" was playing in the background. Then, as quick as a wink, Dad leaned in & started kissing her passionately. Before she could give a full response, she pushed him away. "Jack. We can't do this.", she said with sadness in her eyes. "We agreed we wouldn't do this again, we're getting too old for this don't you think?", she asked. Dad just chuckled with embarrassment.

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