not so winter wonderland

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Month: Walking
Date: In A
Year: Living Hell

For the longest time, Kim thought that hitting your significant other was normal. When we first became friends, she'd always sneak into my room at night just so that she'd get a goodnight sleep. Her parents were undiagnosed abusive alcoholics. No one would say it except me because I'm realistic. I've only been to Kim's place once when we were eleven. Her father would stay on the couch with a scotch in his hand while watching football. As for her mother, she'd be popping pills in the kitchen when she would try to make us a PB&J. And I thought MY family was fucked up. It wasn't until the last year of middle school was when Kim started up with her boy craze. Something about getting attention from the opposite gender made her feel safe & secure, especially older men.

"WAKE UP.", Kim threatened as she threw a pillow into my face. I always hated when she'd do that. I lay up annoyed as it's 8:30 a.m. & I haven't had my coffee yet. "What did Mr. Peters do this time?", I yawned. She stood there sulking. What happened after that was something only in a generation could happen. She burst into tears crying. Wait HUH? Shit. Fucking shit.

"It's Connor....", she murmured. They had started fooling around for a while. "We were doing it in his car. And he uhh promised he'd uh - you know pull out?" I looked at her with disgust, mainly because of how stupid she was. "So when he finished, I noticed he didn't. And I called him out for it but all he could say that he forgot." , she whined in fear. "What are you saying Kim?....", I asked, trying not to go berserk. "Will you please take me to the pharmacy?", she begged. Obviously I would because she's my best friend, well only friend, but at the same time I couldn't stop being disappointed.

I didn't know what to do if Kim got pregnant. Would I become the rugrats' aunt even though I'm not actually related to them "kind of aunt"? Or would I not have to worry about it because Kim wouldn't have a baby with Connor Matthews, biggest douche of Hell's Kitchen. There were very few people I could've talked to, one sadly being Connor; although, I needed someone's help. "They WHAT?!", Brian exclaimed as he was throwing a football in gym class. "Look Bry, I really..." He looked straight at me, giving a devilish smirk towards me, knowing that I was going to regret what I was about to say. "Really need your help....", I whispered with shame. I don't think anyone likes asking for help in particular, but I really hated it. It always tasted like vinegar in my mouth. "So do you know where he is exactly?", I asked, wanting to punch him.

Three words. The basketball courts. Kim's future baby daddy is going to be the new Charlotte Hornets. How fucking fantastic. Watching Scott next to Connor made me feel slightly better but also worried, if they're such close friends, wouldn't they be very similar? I couldn't stand Matthews, most people couldn't. It just surprised me so much that Kim was THAT desperate to fuck him. "Hey! That guy finger fucked my sister in the back of Sears.", Connor screamed from across the courts. I walked up to him, smacking him across the face.

"OHHHH SHITTTT BOY!", some kid from our class screamed. "Yo what the fu-", Connor started saying before I started pulling him by the ear into the hallway. He looked at me completely confused. I stared down at him, waiting for him to say something first. It only took a minute for me to get anxious from the silence so I started. "You're taking Kim to homecoming.", I blurted out. Connor looked at me with fear, knowing that he was busted. Before he could talk, Scott came running out towards us. I didn't really feel like dealing with my future sugar daddy at that time so I ran off, heading back to study hall. The two of them just look at eachother with confusion. "Hey! Y'all haven't finished your burpees, let's GOOO!", Coach Edwards chanted.


"Dad, what'd you do with Louie??", I asked, coming down the stairs. He was in the living room area, writing down notes in his agenda booklet. "Well hey to you too kiddo. He's on the dining room table. But don't worry, I'll fix his head tomorrow.", Dad clarified. Louie was my childhood three foot teddy bear. It was my first gift given to me as a baby. Throughout the years, Dad & everyone from DAISY would use him as a secret weapon storage. That's right, they'd cut off his head, stuff in a bunch of drugs, guns, & cash, & then would sew his head back on like nothing happened. There were times where Louie's head would be sewed back on backwards.

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