a feeling of unmanageability

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Month: Shut
Date: The Fuck
Year: Up

Ted had another job besides bar-tending at Billy's. It was a nightclub, Truman's. I always thought it was a stupid name. He was that guy with the rope & list at the front of the place. Everytime I'd try to sneak in with Kim, he'd just let us through, he always did for anybody. The club looked disco-themed from the inside. Like 80's disco. The DJ played good tunes though & it was always packed. Dad & the boys would go there occasionally, having a drink or two playing poker, hooking up with girls, the usual. Ted always made sure they got the reserved seating booth. The one time I didn't go I was at my mother's was when it got interesting.

"Hey Jack." Dad was sitting in the booth with everyone, drinking a beer. It was Brian. Dad just let out a laugh. "Lemme guess, Ted let you in?", he smirked. Brian sat down next to him, putting his arm on Dad's shoulder. Dad pushed him off, giving him a dirty look. "So you know Scott? Scott Burns??", Brian asked with wonder. Dad turned to him, still not speaking to him. "Well he likes Vida. A lot. He wants to ask her to homecoming.", Brian continued. "Isn't your mother wondering where you are??", Dad questioned. Brian shook his head. His mother was too busy at the studio half of the time.

"Ted's mentioned him before. Nothing's gonna happen though. She's not allowed to have a boyfriend.", Dad stated. Brian looked at him with part confusion, part fear. "Oh.... Well, that's up to you I guess--" "Of course it's up to me, she's my daughter!", Dad went off. Brian nodded his head fast. "You have his number, this Scott kid?", he asked. "Yeahhhhh why?", Brian asked with concern. "Tell him to stop by the bar. If he wants to take her to this dance thing he's gonna need my blessing.", Dad stated. Brian looked a little pissed off, Dad noticed right away but didn't push on it.


"Vida's dad wants to meet with you.", Brian told Scott in the boys locker room. "Jesus Bry, why'd you tell him?! He has a bad reputation ya know!!", Scott exclaimed, shirtless I may add. "He'd do a whole lot worse to you if you just took her without asking him, trust me.", Brian reassured him. "Look man, all you have to do is go to Billy's Bar after school & ask him, he'll be there. If it makes you feel better, I'll come with.", he added, putting his hands on Scott's shoulders.

Later that day, Brian & Scott went by the bar to see Dad when I was at dance. Dad's always been overprotective when it came to boys. When he found out a boy in kindergarten kissed me on the cheek, he went ape-shit. He also just hated me even associating with guys, like I'd get pregnant just from talking to them, because that's logical. I guess you can say he just wanted my life to be a lot different from his.

"You ready?", Brian asked Scott as they walked in. He just nodded from his lack of words at the time. Duke was at the counter, cleaning shot glasses when Scott came up to him. "Excuse me, do you know where I could find Vida's dad?", he asked politely. Duke couldn't help but chuckle & pointed to the back room. The back room is famous for having DAISY meetings & other things like that. If the bar was crowded, the dealings would be upstairs, where Billy & Ted lived. Scott started walking towards the room as Dad was waiting for him. "Close the door once you're in.", Dad commanded. Scott shut the door as soon as he entered, almost crushing his foot. Dad gave him a judgement look from his lack of using doorknobs properly.

"So. Why do you wanna take mY dAugHTeR to this dance exactly??", he asked, putting a cigarette into his mouth. Scott looked up at him, kind of confused. "Well, I like her. I like her a lot Mr. Winters, & I guess I thought I'd have a better time if she came with me.", he declared. "You guess??", Dad mocked. Scott looked down at the floor, full of embarrassment. "Let me ask you this Mr. Burns... Are you a virgin??", Dad questioned. Scott's eyes widened like he just saw his mother naked. "Uhhhhh. Well...... Yes.", he finally let out. Dad stared him down, trying to test if he was lying or not. "Do you plan on having sex with my daughter, kid?!", Dad asked straightforwardly. Scott shook his head right away. "No sir. Not at all. I wanted to wait until college. Waiting for the right person.", he stuttered.

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