the elephants in the room

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Month: look it up
Date: look it up
Year: look it up

"A bunch of the fuckers are dead", Billy confirmed on the phone to Dad. He kept turning his golden band ring while watching the news cover the Heaven's Gate cult. Everyone in the group had that same exact ring. I guess it was a gang thing. "Did you see Jared?", Dad asked. "Nah little brother. By the time I saw him, he jumped in his car. Whata pussy", Billy laughed. "You got the stash back though, right?!", Dad said, getting impatient. Billy sighed. "Yes you baby. Although, rumor has it that Jared is back in SoHo. Maybe you should stop by to say hey", Billy said sarcastically. Dad rolled his eyes. "Let me go, Bill." He hung up, turned off the television, & smacked the remote on the coffee table. "Okay Vida. I'll be back in a little while, I got some errands to run", he explained. I just gave him a nod since I had a mouth-full of cereal.


Dad & Billy first came about Daisy when they were both a little less than ten years old. Tom, my grandfather, was a part of Daisy. I'd never met him at that point but I thought he was either serving time or hiding in Brazil; but like what's the difference? It seemed just like yesterday when I first visited their 'gangy, meetup spot' (AKA Billy's Bar). They had a whole second floor that no one knows about. That's where they keep their weapons & drugs & whores, etc. It's also coincidently Billy & Ted's apartment. Occasionally, the guys would mess around with the blowtorch Ted got for his birthday one year. The blowtorch was used only for special events for special victims.

Every member of the group had the name Daisy tattooed somewhere on their body. Dad was fourteen when he got his Daisy tattoo on his left shoulder. Billy has one on his arm; Cal on the side of his middle finger; Ted's on the inside of his lip & Duke across his collar bone. They also had a cursive 'D' on their golden band ring that they wore on their right ring finger. Dad added my name on his.

Something that really stood out to my five year old self at the time was the huge poster on the wall. It read 'D.A.I.S.Y - Dangerous am I? Suck you!'. The name Daisy was probably meant as a joke at the time, but it stuck around. They wanted something that wouldn't be so easy to catch whenever people were out to get them. I'm not sure if naming your group, that does illegal shit, after Donald Duck's girlfriend is such a great idea but knock yourself out boys.

As soon as Dad left our apartment, he headed straight to Billy's Bar to grab Cal & Duke. "Did you hear from Bill?", he asked walking through the door upstairs. Cal was passed out on the floor next to the pool table & Duke was jerking off in the bathroom. Dad kicked Cal in the back, "Get the fuck up! Jared's in SoHo." Cal woke up. "You wanna know what I need right now, Jacky? A blowjob & some jello shots", Cal said laughing. Getting annoyed, Dad bent down & smacked Cal right in the face. "Get dressed, we're getting the little cocksucker. DDUUUUUUKE?", Dad asked banging on the bathroom door. "Stop fucking around in there". Duke walked out with a 'Guns N' Roses' t-shirt with his cum all over it. Dad's mouth dropped. "Is that my SHIRT?...", he asked in shock. Duke just looked at him with his devilish smirk. "Not my AXL ROSE shirt you little dipshit. Use your own shirt for cleaning up", Dad screamed with annoyance.

5 minutes later:

They were supposed to arrive at Jared's apartment in 10 minutes, but no one followed the speed limit anymore. Dad practically jumped out of the car, running towards the building. "Excuse me sir, who are you here for?!", the doorman said. Right after that, they saw Jared coming around the corner. Cal stepped on the gas as fast as he could, leaving Jared with no time to run. Dad rolled down the window, pulling his gun out. BANG! A hit & run. They turned the corner as soon as possible, flying on two wheels.

When they got back, Billy was waiting on the couch in their 'secret lair'. Dad ran straight to the cabinet, grabbing a small mirror along with a bag of coke. Billy looked back at him. "A little early to get high, no little brother?" Dad just walked over to the couch, ignoring him. "Trust me. It's never too early my friend", Cal chuckled. "Is it appropriate to call up Sally?", Billy asked Cal. Cal raised his eyebrows with a smirk. Dad smiled & Duke got the phone to call up more of the crew. Oh & if you didn't know, Sally was the name of the whore house downtown. Dad opened the plastic bag, looking at Billy. He patted Dad on the back. "Fellas, let's make it snow."

Cal had one of the many versions of "O soave fanciulla" playing in the room. He always thought it sexualized whatever room it was playing in. White dust replaced the air, naked breasts covered everyone's sight, & the clanging of beer cans while playing poker was all you could hear besides the opera playing.

I've walked in on an event like that more than once. Luckily there were no women. It was always in the dining area in our apartment. They get around in a circle, passing around a joint & screaming to the top of their lungs who'd they rather fuck: Carrie Fisher or Molly Ringwald. Usually they'd wake me & I'd come down, making the excuse that I wanted a cup of tea. Dad would then make a pot & carry me up to bed. He'd hug & kiss me goodnight, telling me to stay little forever.


Of course, Dad never came back that afternoon. I had to go to a dress rehearsal today, we were re-enacting all the dance scenes from the film adaptation of "Annie" for local schools. I got to play Ann Reinking's character, it was a huge honor for me personally. We were in the middle of 'We Got Annie' when Brian showed up to watch. Once it was my cue to get offstage, Brian followed me. "My feet are killing me.", I complained to him. He chuckled. "You know after this number, you're done for the day.", he confirmed. I sighed with relief.

"So.. What are your plans for the rest of the day?", he asked all cocky. "Icing my feet & sleeping.", I stated without hesitation. "You don't wanna get out of here & do something?", he replied sadly. "Like... alone??? Because fuck no. Not today at least.", I answered. He looked annoyed at me. "Are you EVER gonna get over what happened with us?!", he exclaimed. Ignoring him, I left.


There was no point in going back to Dad's when it was Mom's week now. I walked in through the door after two hours of dance & dealing with Brian's annoying ass when Mom was already home from work. "Hey babe, how was your day?", she asked cheerfully. "Fine.", I answered. She chanted from upstairs, "What's wrong, you seem extra down today." I dropped my bag & ran to the fridge, hoping I could sneak some beer into my room. "Oh nothing. Just came to the realization that I wish I was wired to be a lesbian...... Boys are mean, stupid, & most of the time smell." I expected Mom to be the one on the other side of the fridge when I closed it, when instead it was some shirtless man.

He saw the beer in my hand & just chuckled. Mom then came downstairs in her rope, "Vida! Uhh this is my new friend, Dave.", she blushed. It seemed to me that she just felt ashamed & thought I'd assume her as someone like Dad now. At the time, I was too exhausted & annoyed to care about anything.

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