cuts lead to scars

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Month: December
Date: 8th
Year: 1996

Ever since that night, I started to look at the world differently. Cell phones became a thing, Madonna wasn't a virgin, & people knew O.J. did it. I have no memory of those moments, I was too baked & my head was hit so hard that I ended up with a concussion. I realized the incident was serious because Dad actually went to the cops & had me go to the hospital. For as long as I could remember, Ted & I were always told to never go to the police for an incident, they'd have everyone's records. That taught us how to handle situations on our own.

"I don't care if we're not allowed back there, that's MY daughter!!!!", Mom exclaimed, desperately waiting to see me. "I'm sorry ma'am but we're doing everything we can, she's almost done with all the testing. We just need a little more time.", the nurse explained calmly. Dad was holding Mom back from attacking the nurse & dragged her back into the waiting room where everyone else was. "Nat! Don't make a scene okay, I'm sure that's the last thing we need right now.", Dad said, trying to relax her. She pushed him off of her, "NO! The last thing I need right now is to be in the same room as you. Fucking asshole.", she sighed, walking outside. She sat on the bench, bursting into tears. As Dad was about to comfort her Billy stopped her. "Don't. Just leave her be for now, Jack. You don't want her to snap.", he mumbled. Dad nodded his head, trying to avoid tears coming down his face.

While waiting in the waiting room, Dad kept pacing back & forth, Duke & Ted were playing cards, Cal was sleeping, & Billy & Mom were making small talk. "The family of Vida Winters?", the doctor asked, walking in. Everyone stood up. The doctor was wide-eyed. Mom & Dad stepped closer to him, "We're her parents.", Dad stated. Mom looked at him, rolling her eyes & biting her lip. "Let's talk in private.", the doctor instructed. That phrase made everyone anxious. It almost sounded like I was dying for a minute there. The doctor escorted my parents into the empty hallway. "So she's been very cooperative given the terms right now. There's multiple bruises on her back as well as her knees. She has a minor concussion which will hopefully go away in a few days. We've managed to stop the bleeding which is always a good thing, but there was a lot of pressure on her genital area... I'm really sorry". Hearing that obviously gave my parents a sense of guilt but no surprise. They just felt lucky enough that I wasn't kidnapped like Michelle. "Good news is we already went through the rape kit procedure & it seems like from the head injury & drugs in her system, she possible won't remember what happened. We'll discuss more later but you're allowed to see her now.", he explained thoroughly.

Dad held Mom in his arms as they both started crying when the doctor left. I can imagine it's always awful knowing your child was abused & in danger; it was only worse for them knowing this was no coincidence. Showing vulnerability wasn't something Dad was used to, I guess that should make me feel loved in some way. That's not what I wanted though; I hate pity.


Everyone came back to visit me once visiting hours opened & it wasn't just my traumatized parents. I was confused the whole time. There was a lot of playing cards & hugging, which was something I wasn't used to with some of the guys. Once the pot had worn off I just felt really emotional, which made me really uncomfortable. Emotions. My whole life I was a shut-in who never felt like speaking my opinions nor showing intense feelings for many things. It's not like I was told not to, it was very encouraged, but the idea of telling people my feelings just made me feel sick. Dad kept trying to apologize multiple times when he had the time, but I refused to hear him out. I wasn't mad or anything, I just didn't want to get into that conversation.

"Now here is where you're wrong, Die Hard is NOT a goddamn Christmas movie. Just because it takes place on December 24th doesn't mean shit!", Cal argued with Duke. "I still think it's a good idea to watch when we get back to Billy's.", I suggested. They both just nod their heads. It was empowering how everyone listened to me when I was sitting in my hospital bed. "Where's Kim, I thought she was stopping by?", I asked Mom. Mom looked at me with sadness, kissing me on the forehead. "Kim's busy right now honey. She'll come by as soon as you're home. Tomorrow.", she assured me.

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