daisy's version of neverland

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Month: One of the "-embers"
Date: Haven't been on one
Year: They all blend together to me

Grandpa Tom had been in jail for years at that time. Don't ask me why because no one told me anything. Growing up, I don't remember him being that loving papa who would take you shopping & play scrabble with you. He mainly just worked & I'd only see him at dinners. Mom & Dad never really liked the idea of me getting close to Tom, knowing how easily he could hurt me. Not physically, mentally. Tom worked with Daisy before he ever met Gram. They met through a mutual friend.

Tom & Lorraine were polar opposites like my parents. During World War II, Tom's dad was with the Nazis, having the Winters family get all the benefits they wanted without being German. Gram's family on the hand was this huge Irish Catholic bunch in Europe that hid Jews in their attics & basements, having nearly all of them wiped out from getting caught. After the war, Daisy started up & years later they met & rest was history.

It wasn't until around 1987 where things started to change. Tom wanted more than what he was getting & The Silicians was willing to offer him that. So, in conclusion, he back-stabbed everyone he ever worked with, including his two sons. He was also that typical 'had fifty mistresses' type of guy & Gram would feed them whenever they'd join for dinners.


Billy came walking into the back room of the bar, also known as the mini casino, with stolen files from their childhood house. "He's hiding something. Something big, too.", he stated throwing the papers onto the table. Cal picked them up, skimming through trying to find something useful. "How do you even know this is recent? Tom's locked up for fucks sake, he can't do anything. This could've been years ago.", Ted questioned. Billy & Dad walked towards Cal, pretending they didn't hear anything Ted said. "100K huh?", Dad asked aloud. "Not only that, but he has everyone in the system's information. How the fuck is this possible?", Cal angrily questioned. Duke just stayed sitting, shuffling his deck of playing cards.

They all sat in silence, contemplating what to do with their ex-leader. Duke stood up. "I'll visit him. Confront him. It has to be done.", he stated. "No.", Dad said while everyone turned to look at him. "It has to be me. The bastard used to be my father.", he claimed.


Ever since Tom became hated by the family, he'd always try to take Ted & I away from them. He used to try to get CPS to take us away so he can take care of us multiple times. That wasn't even the worst one. A few months back, he had his associates from the Sicilians try to kidnap us while some people from Daisy were out doing business.

Ted & I were upstairs at Billy's watching "Cops" when we first heard the glass breaking from the front door to the bar. I turned to him, noticing he wasn't even phased by it. "What was that??", I wondered. Ted took a sip of his Rolling Rock, shrugging his shoulders. "Someone must've forgotten the keys.", he suspected. Since when did people decide to just break in instead of buzzing in or even knocking. Ted didn't think of anything until we heard a gunshot downstairs. "Where the fuck are they?!!", a grouchy man shouted. Freaking out, we ran under the island in the kitchen. Ted pulled me into his lap, covering my mouth with his ice cold hand from the beer.

He kept trying to calm me down as I whimpered. "Don't make a sound V! Everything's gonna be okay.", he whispered. Just then, another gunshot went off. "How the fuck is everything gonna be okay when a dude with a gun is trying to kill us & there's no one here to save us?!!!", I panicked. This CANNOT be happening. Who's trying to get us? The words from the strange man kept echoing from downstairs, "Where are the kids??", he questioned. The voice sounded familiar to us, it was Yakob.

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