against all odds

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Month: Why
Date: Am I
Year: Here

Growing up, Dad, Billy, & Aunt Liz weren't privileged like how Ted & I were. They were all practically working since they could walk. Billy did the most heavy lifting since Liz was the favorite & Dad was the youngest. Middle child syndrome. I guess you could say that Dad & Billy wished I ended up more like Liz, personality wise, instead of some ballerina shut-in. Gram always just loved the fact that I was alive & well.

"Why do we have to see her today? I have to practice & we're gonna be late for the recital per usual!", I exclaimed in the taxi. Dad forced us, Billy, & Ted to visit Gram in the hospital upstate once a month. We just call it a hospital, but it's really an asylum. We don't talk about it. "No one cares about your opinion V. Your voice makes me want to shove toothpicks in my ear until they bleed out.", Ted stated across the car. The cab driver just stared at him through his mirror. Dad elbowed Ted. "Guess what Ted, if you look carefully, you'll notice that I don't give a fuck.", I shouted. "VIDA! Knock it off!", Dad yelled, sitting between Ted & I. Billy was in the front, slowly grabbing his headphones to connect to my walkman.

I entered the building, wanting to leave already. The TV room was full of random men & women in their pajamas, watching reruns of "Happy Days". You'd occasionally hear a scream coming from a bedroom & watch a patient get pulled out by two counselors. Whenever we visited Gram, Dad always had pictures of Ted & I from events that happened so she wouldn't feel left out. He was clearly the favorite growing up. "Mommy!", Billy said as we entered her room, holding out his arms for a hug. Gram chuckled, it was usually the only time she did. We all came in the room as she gave us a 'depressed disguised as cheerful' welcome.

"Oh Vida, you look stunning dear.", Gram gushed looking at me at a recital. "You look just like your mother when your hair's in that bun.", she explained. Dad went from a big smile to an eye roll. She continued to look through photos as we sat at the edge of the bed. "And Theodore. Always getting into trouble...", she stated as she showed us a photograph of Ted shirtless trying to show off. He's just tall & skinny. "Yeah you know itttttt Gram.", Ted chuckled. Not to be mean, but I always found visiting her quite boring. I cared about her & all but still.

"Teddy dear, are you aware that you have a somewhat huge purple bruise on your neck??", Gram questioned. I couldn't help but start bursting into tears, laughing. Billy kicked me in the leg. "What's so funny hon?", she looked over at me. "Yeah what's so funny?! Don't worry Gram, boxing incident but it's fine.", Ted tried to clear up. Dad looked back at me, smiling.

She'd look through pictures, tell a story or two about Liz, Billy, & Dad when they were little, & then we'd eat & leave. I only went because Dad forced us to. Rides back into the city were always quiet. Dad would look at his notebook full of names of people who'd need ankle breaks, Billy would look out the window, Ted sleeping, & I'd play with my seatbelt.


Dad went back to the apartment while I helped Billy at the bar before the recital. Just as he was going to lay on the couch, there was a knock at the door. He opened the door, it was Kim walking in. "I tried to sneak through the window but she's not in her room. Please tell me this is your week", she pleaded. He just nodded & let her fully in. "She's not home yet. She will be soon.", Dad explained, grabbing a beer. "Isn't it a little too early for that?", Kim judged. Both of her parents were alcoholics since she was little. Getting aggravated, Dad practically threw his bottle back into the fridge. "Just trying to help. You could be a little more grateful.", she snapped. "Yeah, totally appreciate it, Kim.", he sarcastically smiled. Kim rolled her eyes, heading to the living room.

"You know, you think you hate me but you don't. I take care of your daughter more than you half of the time. She's lucky to have us.", Kim blurted out. Dad chuckled. "I'm serious. The way she's turning out is because of you & me. Admit it, she'll always need some guidance. She's cool & chill, like Jenny from 'Forrest Gump'!", she exclaimed. "Yeah well Jenny from 'Forrest Gump' was a whore & died of AIDS.", Dad grinned. "True. It's hard to make friends with girls nowadays. They're fake sluts. I'm not fake but I am a slut....", Kim murmured. Just then, I walked through the door with Billy & Ted. Dad jumped off the couch. "Let's go!", he exclaimed in relief.

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