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Welcome to the World of Star Fairy Chronicles III

You may or may not remember the story of Blue, princess of the Star Fairies who saved both Planet Stardome from the God Darkmoon and Planet Earth from the Human-Monster War. Well, what if I told you that there was a timeline where that never happened? A world where Blue failed to save her own planet from its destruction. No? You haven't heard of it? I see. It's not a story any Star Fairy would tell you under ordinary circumstances. Though, times have changed. There has been peace in Blue's timeline for a few months now. It's about time that I tell you the story of Timeline X. My favorite part about this story is my small, yet significant role I play in it. Who am I? My name is Celios, the goddess of the timelines. My job is to watch over the timelines and make sure that none of them go bad, whether it's glitching or corrupted. I am only to interfere when this happens, but Timeline X, it's a bit more complicated. In fact, the world has no color except for a bit of magic. It's best if you listen to the story and see what I mean.

Now, let's begin.

(Note: The Story will jump back and forth between Timeline X and Star Fairy Chronicles III. Any jumps will be notified.)

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