[5] Weekends

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| Baku pov |      //Saturday and Sunday\\  

(RANDOM FACT FOR THE REST OF THIS BOOK! = my dumb autocorrect usually autocorrects "on" to "in" and the other way around, I can usually catch these while I reread but some slip by, so if it happens, I apologise! ♥❤)

Saturdays and Sundays were always torture for bakugou. 2 entire days with the person who caused him the most pain. Week days weren't half as bad because he was gone most of the day for school. She also usually didn't hurt him as much on week days because she was either passed out on the couch, or on her phone. Bakugou's father had died a long time ago, and so Bakugou's only family was his Mother. Bakugou knew what his mom was doing on her phone, he had stumbled across it a long time ago. She was usually chatting with random guys online, which would be fine except for one small detail. She was also sending pictures of herself nude. And in most cases, getting the same types of pictures back. Usually on weekends she would make bakugou clean the entire house, and if he had done anything "weak" over the school days she'd "punish him as she saw acording" which would almost always consist to blows to the stomach, head, and most frequently, his arms and legs. She'd usually avoid the face as it was most noticeably, but sometimes when she was really angry (and or drunk ) she'd forget this "rule" and then bakugou was left with a large bruise somewhere that was incredibly hard to hide. When this happened he 'd usually put on his concealer. His chest and well, the rest of his body, was covered in scars and bruises. Most of these were caused by her.... But not all of them. When bakugou was captured by the LOV dabi and toga tortured him relentlessly. THey left a couple scars, scratch that, a LOT of scars. most of them consisted of burn marks And scars of deep knife cuts. And all though both his mother and the lov had left a lot of scars, bakugou had added some aswell... Along his arms. But those would heal, hopefully. 

This weekend, bakugou had learned he ran out of concealer. He knew he would need it, and soon aswell. So he decided to go makeup shopping. He had always hated doing it, but it was an excuse to get out of the house and away from his mother. He hates going makeup shopping, mostly because he's scared he'll be spotted. It's not only incredibly embarrassing to be caught getting makeup, but also he'd also have to explain why he was doing so. Although the chance is low, it could still happen. But regardless he decided to put on a large hoodie (that conveniently hid his face somewhat) and suck it up.  He left a note on the fridge explaining where he was going and left. 

| Still Baku pov |   // Saturday  afternoon \\

Bakugou's day had been pretty good! (Surprisingly) the only bad thing that has happened was he accidentally talked back to her. She got pretty mad and punched him in the eye. It had already swelled and was a dark purple. He didn't have any more concealer so he just put his eye patch on. (He had an eye patch just for these occasions.) It was a light purple with a black broken heart on it. It was totally his style, he had always liked light colors, his favorites being light purple and light orange. His mother always told him that those colors were girlish and he couldn't wear them, so bakugou had not had any of those clothes in a while. This eye patch was a secret. 

(I just realized how choppy this paragraph (and story in general) is ✋😭 I'll try and make it better)

While bakugou was thinking about the eye patch he was putting on, he had a really great idea. What if he bought a bunch of the clothes he liked! He's could hide them in his backpack and wear them to school! He was really excited about this idea. He would finally get to wear the clothes he liked! And so about 20 minutes later he was ready go. He put his ear buds in and left the house, sticking the note on the fridge on his way out. He happily strolled down his street lost in his music. He was finally enjoying himself, and for the first time in a long, long time bakugou smiled. He was genuinely happy as he walked down the street to the mall. It was a long walk but bakugou didn't mind. It was always so quiet and he really enjoyed it. As he walked, hands in pockets, smile on face, soft Japanese music in his ears, and light purple eye patch on, he was completely unaware of the people who saw him. 

| All of class 1A males, excluding bakugou, mineta, and a couple others povs | 

Now hold on, lemme explain. The boys were having a day out they were planning to meet the girls at the mall around 2:00 but were coming a little earlier. They had invited bakugou, but bakugou declined because he knew that it would be crowded and he had claustrophobia and ptsd. Bakugou had forgotten they were going to the mall or wouldn't have gone.


This chapter was basically just to explain some of the au,  just needed to get it written down :))) but then while writing I had the brilliant idea for the next chapter lol

(srsly tysm for 30+ reads appreciated so so much)

And as always, happy reading!! All the love -Kitty ♥❤♥ wc= 976

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