Meet the Leauge

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Chapter One
Hawks POV

“Y’know what, little bird? Todays the day. You get to meet the rest of the league.”

Hawks looked at Dabi, delighted. He was finally going to meet the league! He had finailly gained enough of Dabis trust and now might be able to FINALLY get some information. “-can't promise she wont still stab you, though.” It was then that Hawks realized Dabi was still talking- wait- stab him?!

“So, what do you say, chicken? You ready?” Hawks grinned, both forgetting about the whole he-might-be-stabbed thing and ignoring the nickname. “Born ready.”

Dabi POV

It had been, maybe, two months since Kei-Hawks first approached me? Wanted to be a villain, he said. Heh. Like Id believe that. He was just trying to infiltrate the league of villains, but I honestly couldnt care less.

Sure you can call me a traitor and all that, but ive never really been loyal to the league. We all have our own intentions. We are all villains. Thats just the way it is. Tho…. well Ig they arent all that bad. Loyalty… the only one id have any loyalty for would have to be toga. We joined together, after all, and shes like a little sister to me. So. 

I snapped out of my thoughts as I realized we had reached headquarters, Hawks was still rambling on with why he was a ‘villain’ and all that crap, it was obvious he was nervous. He always would ramble when he was nervous. 

“We’re here, chicken.” I said, stopping him. “Already?!” He said, stunned and visibly unnerved. Noticing his reaction, he quickly shifted into a relaxed position. “Atlast.” He corrected, his voice dropping an octave.

I chuckled, why did they choose Hawks to spy on us? He was a terrible actor.

I creaked open the door, and stepped inside, and Hawks followed behind me hesitantly.

I watched as hawks’ eyes adjusted to the light, and he gazed around the bar, before his gaze landed on wo figures at te bar. 

“Toga, Twice- wait why am I introducing you, do it yourselves. I don't get paid enough for this shit.” I said, and took my own seat at the bar. “We don't get paid, Dabi.” Toga retorted, and behind me, Hawks laughed, forgetting his nerves.

Toga jumped to her feet, approaching Hawks. “As he said, I'm Toga, and you, ofcourse, are the famous Hawks!” Hawks rubbed the back of his neck, “Yeah, thats, uh, me!” Toga grinned, and cast me a sly look. “I have heard So much about you.” I glared at her, knowing what she was dooing. She was the only one who knew of my past, and my thoughts of the hero.

Fortunately, Hawks was as oblivious as ever, and didn't notice our interaction. “Only good things, I hope.” Hawks responded nervously. “Oh yes,” Toga said, “very good things” 

I didn't think my glare could get any colder.

Hawks chuckled nervously, still unaware of my icy glare. 

"Well, now that you shittards have all met, someone make me a drink, would'ya?" I said, eyeing Toga who looked like she was about to say more. 

"Well look who we have here, it really is the number two hero. I almost thought Dabi was pulling my leg!"

I chuckled, "sure you did." I murmered to myself. 

"I'm sure One for all would like to meet you, but hes with a guest right now." Twice said. 

"Actually, he said to send you right in when you got here." Shigaraki said.

"Well of course, I can't wait to meet One for all himself." Hawks said with a grin, but I could see the sweat forming on his brow. Villain, *snort* yeah right. 

Hawks met my gaze, and I hrld back my chuckle. The guy sure was nervous. I gave him a nod, and watched as he took a deep breath before entering the room.

Okay this is like gonna be my longest story yet. The plan is it to be 35 chapters. So pleaaase stick around. Im not the best at updating that ik but that doesnt mean i dont want to finish this story. So please stick with me, i promise its gonna be like nothing youve ever read!

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