With The Heros

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Chapter 4

Third Person POV

Endeavor cleared his throat, "Seems the only one missing is hawks. Again. Ugh, anyway the reason Ive called you here is because we have a plan to keep an eye on our current number one threat, Twice. Now that it seems hes gotten past his previous trauma he can use his quirk to its full potentail, making it our greatest threat. And so we need to set up a plan to keep an eye on him. However since the leauge has done much research into the pro heros they are sure to spot us if we set up a spy to keep an eye on them.

"However, as some of you might know, we have some among us who are not full class heros, and so they would be able to do this job without the threat of being recognized immediately. From class 1A at UA on an internship we have Bakugo Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, and my own son, Todoroki Shoto."

If you were watching said students, you could see Todoroki rolling his eyes at this comment.

"As part of their internship, they will be on patrol themselves watching twices movements and reporting them to me. This will not only give them an idea of what patrols are like, but give them further experience in the work of a pro hero and be beneficial to us aswell. Any questions?" There was some muttering over this, but no questions were asked and the meeting waa dismissed.

"Of Course the pros are just making us do the boring stuff for them." Bakugo said snarkily. "To not be regconized? What a load of bullshit, weve met the leauge on multiple occassions and we know they watched the sports festival, of course they will regconize us."

Todoroki shrugged. "Well theres no use in complaining, Bakugo." He said with a voice void of emotion. "Yeah! I'm sure it'll be fun! Besides its great practice for when we will go on real patrols!" Midoriya exclaimed, as bright as ever. "Whatever." Bakugo replied snarkily.

The next day, the students were in normal clothes and watching the villians base. "This is boring." Bakugo grumbled. "Weve been out here for hours and still nothing." Midoriya nudged him gently, "Oh lighten up, Kacchan! I'm sure something will happen soon enough!" Bakugo just muttered incoherently under his breath.

After around 20 minutes of more of Bakugos complaining, they watched as the villain they were after, Twice, came out with a trashbag and put it into the dumpster while humming to himself, and then went back inside withought looking around, not much looking their way.

"Twice exits with the garbage at 10:37 am." Todoroki narrarated and typed into his phone. "See, I told you something would happen!" Midoriya said cheerfully, and Bakugo just grunted in response.

Wirh the base:

"Hey did anyone else notice the people watching us?" Twice said, as bubbly as ever.

"Yeah, theyve been here for around two hours." Shigaraki responded. "Probably heros or something. I'm tired right now. I'll think of something later." Twice chuckled and gazed out the one way window. "They don't look like any heros I know." Twice then said, but Shigaraki just waved his remark away.

"Oh yeah?" Said Dabi who was lounging on the couch, and stood up to come see. If anyone was trying to get info on any of the heros, he was the one to ask, as he had plebty of research on them. Gazing out the window, Dabi snorted. "Well if it isn't Little Shoto."

"Who?" Twice asked, tilting his head. "One of the kids from UA." Dabi responded, "I bet theyre on an internship together. He then pulled out an unlit cigarette. "What does that mean?" Twice asked.

"Means they take a week or two break from classes and work with a pro hero to get real life experience. Also means they work for an agency that might take them in when theyre done with school." Dabi responded and lit his cigarrette with his blue flames.

"Oh! Thats kinda cool!" Twice exclaimed, while Shigaraki snapped at Dabi for smoking inside. "Yeah, probably watching our movements. Anyway gotta bring this out to my window atleast so Shiggs doesnt kill me here and now." Dabi said. "Okay! Thanks for the info, Dabi!" Twice said with a joyful tone. "Yeah yeah whatever." Dabi said, before leaving to his room and twice just looked out the indow once more.

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